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Slack Integration

RegScale provides support for integrating with Slack. This is an optional feature which allows RegScale's internal news feed to be sent to a user specified channel in your Slack workspace. For some customers, their existing workflows are already powered by Slack and RegScale allows those customers to collaborate within the tools that they are already familiar with.


In order to configure Slack Integration, you must create a Slack app for your workspace. In order to do that, complete the following steps:

  1. Login to your Slack Workspace as an admin - Do this in your web browser. Navigate to yourworkspace.slack.com. If you do not have an existing workspace, create one now.
  2. Create a channel - Within your workspace, create a channel you want RegScale to write to. We will need this later. For our example, we are using #RegScalenews
  3. Create Your Slack App
  • Navigate to https://api.slack.com/apps/new
  • Name your app: RegScale
  • Select your Workspace: This should be the Workspace you want this App to write to (either the one you set up above or previously set up for your team)
    Click Create App
  1. Setup OAuth and Permissions
  • When your app admin page loads, click on OAuth and Permissions
  • Scroll down to Scopes
  • Under Bot Token Scopes, click Add an OAuth Scope
  • From the dropdown, choose chat:write: Send messages as RegScale


  1. Install and Authorize Your App
  • Now that you have a scope, scroll to the top of the page
  • Click Install App to Workspace


  • Click Allow for the Permissions
  1. Get the API Key
  • At the top of the page, copy the Bot User OAuth Access Token
  1. Add the App to Your Channel
  • Click on the channel in Slack
  • On the right-side of the screen click the three dots for More
  • Click Add apps
  • Click Add next to RegScale


In order to configure Slack Integration, you must be an Administrator. To get started, click your name in the top right corner and select "Automations Manager". Click the "Slack" tile. Clicking the button should bring up the Integration form where you should complete the following fields:

NOTE Some of these fields may autofill due to a browser issue. Please ensure fields are blank that you want to be blank.

  1. Enable Slack - Enable the Slack integration
  2. Slack Channel - This is the channel you want RegScale to post to in your workspace. This should start with a # sign. So something like #RegScalenews
  3. Slack API Key - This is the token you copied from above (Step #6)
  4. Enable Microsoft Teams - This is to enable MS Teams integration. Leave this unchecked if you just want to configure Slack. If you want to also configure Teams, see the documentation for Teams Integration.
  5. Teams URL - This is to enable MS Teams integration. Leave this unchecked if you just want to configure Slack. If you want to also configure Teams, see the documentation for Teams Integration.

Once configuration is done, click the "Save" button to complete the Slack configuration process.

Testing Slack

To verify that everything is working correctly, simply click the "Send Test Message" button on the toolbar and verify that the test message shows in your Slack channel. See example below:
