Microsoft InTune
Microsoft InTune CLI
This CLI integrates Microsoft InTune service assets and issues into RegScale. It pulls assets from InTune and creates assets in RegScale under the module/id specified in the options. Also creates RegScale issues from InTune issues.
See Azure integration for initial application configuration.
Command Structure
regscale azure intune sync_intune --regscale_parent_id <id> --regscale_module <module> --create_issues <True|False>
Required Parameters
The sync_intune command accepts the following options:
--regscale_parent_id <id>
- The RegScale organizer record Id where assets will be added.
--regscale_module <module>
- The name of the RegScale module (e.g. securityplans, components, projects, supplychains) where assets will be added
--create_issues <True|False>
- Flag as to whether or not to create RegScale issues from InTune issues.
Example Usage
Here's an example of how to use the sync_intune command:
regscale azure intune sync_intune --regscale_parent_id 53 --regscale_module "securityplans" --create_issues True
This command will create assets from InTune in Security Plan 53 and create issues for any issues in InTune.
Updated about 1 year ago