@Mentions Feature
This page contains information to assist our customers with utilizing the @mentions feature in RegScale. It describes what it is, why you would use it, the benefits, and provides instructions on getting started.
What is it?
@Mentions is a modern way of connecting with people within an application. It allows you to use the '@' character to lookup a person and notify them that they need to take some action.
Why would you use it?
@Mentions are most commonly used for notifications. There are many reasons to use this feature which include:
- Leaving a comment or question on a record where you need your colleague's assistance
- Responding to Posts on the RegScale News Feed
- Notifications for workflow related events
What are the benefits?
This feature has multiple benefits for an organization; to include:
- Ease of notifying users when they have some action, comment, or question to respond to
- Aggregation of notifications into the UI (alert bell in the Navigation bar) that simplifies when you have unread notifications
- Improved collaboration via real-time notifications
- Ease of looking up users to notify using the '@' symbol
How do I use it?
Instructions for using this feature are provided below:
- @Mentions are currently available in the Comment subsystem, News Feed, and for automated workflow notifications
- In the Comment or Post message box, type the '@' character to view a list of users
- Select the user you wish to notify and ask your question
- You can select many users to notify on a single comment or post, just repeat the '@' mention step above
- Post your comment to send the notification
- Notifications will show up in the Navigation bar at the top of the page with a number next to it indicating the number of unread notifications in your queue
- NOTE: Notifications may take up to 30 seconds to appear
- Once you read a notification (click on it), it will disappear from the UI. You may also use the Dismiss All buttons to mass clear notifications.
Updated 9 months ago