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Admin Actions

Admin Actions CLI

This CLI is able to send email reminders to active users that have any upcoming or outstanding Assessments, Data Calls, Issues, Tasks, Security Plans and Workflows in RegScale. (NOTE: Requires release 4.11.0 or greater and the user must have email notifications enabled.)

  • send_reminders - query RegScale for any upcoming and outstanding Assessments, Data Calls, Issues, Tasks, Security Plans, and Workflows and sends an email to the users of their pipeline.
  • update_compliance_history - Update the compliance score for a given RegScale System Security Plan

Init.yaml Configuration

There is only one piece of information regarding the reminder CLI:

  • maxThreads - Number of threads to use during the query and email process, default is 1000. (NOTE: Changing this number may have a positive or negative impact on performance.)

The first step is to set the number of desired maxThreads in init.yaml.

Next, execute the command to send the reminders as demonstrated below.

Example Commands

Log into RegScale to set the token which is good for 24 hours and will secure all future RegScale API calls (NOTE: You can skip this step if you are using a RegScale Service Account)

  • regscale login

Query RegScale using a set number of days, if no days were used the CLI defaults to 30 days.

  • regscale admin_actions send_reminders
    • --days The number of days to look ahead for upcoming items and the number if days ago for workflows started
  • regscale admin_actions send_reminders
    • If --days wasn't used, 30 will be used by default

Generate an active user report from the command line, this is useful for cron or Airflow jobs

  • regscale admin_actions user_report
  • --days Number of days to include in the report. Defaults to users active in the past 30 days
  • --email One or more email addresses. These can be chained together or entered manually like so
    • regscale admin_actions user_report --email email1@gmail.com --email email77@gmail.com --email user.name@protonmail.com

Update a RegScale System Security Plan providing the ID and module from RegScale.

  • update_compliance_history
    • --regscale_id The ID number from RegScale that needs to have the compliance score updated. This should be a numerical value.
    • --regscale_module The module where the ID is found, for examples please see modules here: RegScale Modules

Init.yaml Example

The following init.yaml structure is necessary (example/notional key structure shown below, replace with actual customer keys):

domain: https://mycompany.regscale.com
token: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImN0eSI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJhYmVsYXJkbyJ9.b-ao0bpoc6CiJ3ygG8-XOk_gwn8BehAcuLGaPB6rlu8
maxThreads: 1000

Building a Bash Script to Execute the CLI

You can execute RegScale CLI commands using scripts. These scripts could be in Bash, Python, PowerShell, etc. Below is an example Bash file (named "regscaleReminders.sh") in Ubuntu for executing the Reminder CLI that pulls all outstanding and upcoming Assessments, Data Plans, Issues, Security Plans, and Tasks from RegScale:


# Send email reminders to users with outstanding and upcoming Assessments,
# Data Plans, Issues, Security Plans, and Tasks in the next 45 days from RegScale
regscale admin_actions send_reminders --days 45

To execute the Bash file, run this command: /path/to/folder/regscaleReminders.sh. You can chain together any arbitrary set of CLI commands to have them execute sequentially.