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Log In

RegScale Login CLI

The Login CLI command is used to allow a user to authenticate to RegScale. It serves two primary purposes:

  • Serves as a "smoke test" to ensure connectivity to RegScale
  • Allows for authentication which sets the JSON Web Token (JWT) in the init.yaml programmatically which is good for up to 24 hours

Supported Login Methods

  • Login with a user account:
    • --username Your RegScale username, if none provided it will try to get it from the environment variable REGSCALE_USER
    • --password Your RegScale password, if none provided it will try to get it from the environment variable REGSCALE_PASSWORD
    • --domain Your RegScale instance URL, if none is provided it will try to get it from an environment variable REGSCALE_DOMAIN. Lastly, if there it is not provided, nor is it set up in the environment, it will use the domain saved in init.yaml
    • --mfa_token The One Time Password to log in with if your RegScale instance has Multi-Factor Authentication enabled
  • Login with a Service Account
    • --token The service account token from the Admin panel in RegScale

How to Use


You can set up environment variables of REGSCALE_USER, REGSCALE_PASSWORD and REGSCALE_DOMAIN to skip all prompts and prevent entering a plain text password.

  • Ensure the domain variable is set in your init.yaml file to your RegScale instance's URL (i.e. https://mycompany.regscale.com )
  • Attempt to login with the command below
regscale login
  • At the prompts, enter your username and password
  • If authentication was successful, your init.yaml will be updated with a new token and userId variable
  • Login with a service token by using the command below
regscale login --token "Bearer eyao13.213asdajhd"