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The following is a list of pre-requisites for installing RegScale for a customer deployment or Proof of Value (POV).

Planning Meeting

  • Pre-deployment Planning Meeting (use checklist below). Following people needed:
    • Customer DB team (SQL Server)
    • Kubernetes/Docker team or Infrastructure team
    • RegScale Point of Contact
    • Others, as relevant
  • Contact RegScale to schedule meeting
  • Establish solutions goals that are clear and measurable
  • Ensure feedback methods are clear

Installation/POV Checklist

  • Link to public RegScale repository to pull down images
  • Accept License
  • Determine Deployment Type?
    • Azure Kubernetes Service
    • AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)
    • Customer Managed Kubernetes Cluster
    • Docker Standalone
    • Other
  • MS SQL Database Required
    • Minimum 2 GB (expandable over time)
    • Database connection string(s)
    • Number of DBs (DEV, PROD, etc.)
  • If Kubernetes
    • Recommend creating an atlas namespace
    • Estimate the total number of concurrent users
    • Availability requirements
    • Environments required (DEV, QA, PROD, etc.)
    • Calculate number of ATLAS pods to deploy
  • File Storage (Evidence storage varies widely - recommend scalable storage)
    • Azure - Azure Files
    • AWS - Elastic File Storage
    • NFS
  • Email Server
    • SMTP Server
    • Username/email
    • Password
    • SMTP Port
  • SSL Certificate
    • Customer Provided
    • LetsEncrypt
    • Other
  • Ingress Traffic
    • Atlas nginx load balancing container
    • Customer provided load balancer
    • Cloud load balancer
    • Other
  • Domain Name/URL for RegScale
  • Security and Customer Configurations
    • Permitted File Extensions
    • File size limit
    • AD/LDAP integration required?
    • JWT Signing Key
    • AES256 encryption key
    • Slack/Teams integration required?
    • Custom Fields to Configure
    • Custom Metadata to Configure
    • Customer Data to Load
  • If using the CLI with a local installation
    • Python ( >= 3.9.0 & <=3.11)
    • Access to https://pypi.org/ to pull the RegScale CLI package