JUMP TOCTRL-/RegScale API DocumentationAccountsCreates a new ATLAS user. Leverages the default .NET Core Identity and extends it with custom fields for ATLAS.postUpdates the ATLAS user profileputRetrieves a list of all activated users in the systemgetResets the cachegetCreates new ATLAS users.postCreates new RegScale users based on Azure AD account groupspostAdds the specified user to the specified rolepostChecks to see if the specified user has the specified rolegetDeletes the specified role for this userdeleteRetrieves a list of all activated users in the systemgetRetrieves a list of all activated users in the systemgetRetrieves users by tenant based on whether or not they receive email notificationsgetRetrieves a list of all activated users in the system by tenantgetFilters users based on the specified criteriagetFilters users based on the role providedgetActivates or deactivates the specified usergetRetrieves the user based on the provided user namegetRetrieves the user by their ATLAS User IDgetRetrieves the list of available ATLAS rolesgetRetrieves all roles for the specified usergetChanges the user's profile picturepostAggregatorRetrieves all subsystem record counts for the given parent recordgetRetrieves all child record counts for the given parent recordgetRetrieves a specific security plan statusboardgetRetrieves a specific component statusboardgetRetrieves a specific supply chain statusboardgetRetrieves a specific policy statusboardgetRetrieves a specific project statusboardgetAssessmentRetrieves all assessmentsgetRetrieves list of assessments for a user that aren't cancelled or completed within the number of days providedgetRetrieves all assessments for the given parent recordgetRetrieves all assessments for the given grandparent recordgetRetrieves all assessments for the given master assessmentgetRetrieves total assessment countgetCreates recurring assessments based on the criteria specifiedgetProcesses lineage for the given assessment #getGets the last and next upcoming assessmentgetProvides assessment timeline data for the given parentgetRetrieves list of assessments due in the month/year of the date providedgetGraphs assessments based on the provided column and grouping configpostGraphs assessments based on the provided column and grouping configgetGraphs assessment schedule based on date range and the field specifiedgetRetrieves all assessments with planned start, planned finish, or actual finish within the given date rangegetRetrieves all assessments with due dates within the given date range that are not completegetRetrieves all assessments completed within the given date rangegetGroup by owner then status based on date rangegetGroup by owner then status based on date rangegetGroup by owner then status based on date rangegetGroup by owner then status based on date rangegetGets data for main dashboardgetGets data for main dashboardgetGets data for main dashboardgetGets data for main dashboardgetGraphs assessments by due date, shows on time and lategetGraphs assessments by due date and status, shows statuses of not late, and shows late if lategetRun the specified report for assessmentsgetRetrieves all assessments based on the custom field criteria providedgetFilters assessments based on the specified criteriapostCreates a new assessmentpostCreates a new assessmentpostCreates a batch of new assessments based on the provided array from the MITRE Heimdall toolpostUpdates an assessment recordputDeletes an assessmentdeleteRetrieves an assessmentgetAssetMappingFilters asset mappingsgetCreates a new asset mappingpostDeletes a mappingdeleteRetrieves an asset mappinggetRetrieves all asset mappings for a given componentgetRetrieves all component mappings for a given asset IDgetRetrieves all asset mappings for a given component IDgetAssetsRetrieves all assetsgetGets drilldown info for assets (main dashboard) chartsgetRetrieves total number of assetsgetGets data for main dashboardgetRetrieves all assets for the parent recordgetGraphs assets based on the provided column and grouping configpostGraphs assets based on the provided date rangegetFilters assets based on specified criteria and date rangespostGraphs assets based on the provided column and grouping configgetGraphs assets based on the provided column and grouping config (parent module)getGraphs asset schedule based on date rangegetRun the specified report for assetsgetFilters assets based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves all assets based on the custom field criteria providedgetCreates a new assetpostUpdates an asset recordputDeletes an assetdeleteRetrieves an assetgetAuthorizationHandles login event for ATLASpostChanges password for the userpostChanges password for the userpostChanges password for the user, Admin changepostUnlocks account, Admin changegetGets Access Logs for the UsergetGets Access Logs for the UsergetGets Access Logs for the UsergetRetrieves the user ID (GUID) for a given user namegetDetermines if the user is an LDAP usergetCasesRetrieves all casesgetRetrieves total number of casesgetRetrieves all cases for the parent recordgetGraphs cases based on the provided column and grouping configpostFilters cases based on specified criteria and date rangespostGraphs cases based on the provided date rangegetGets data for cases card on main dashboardgetGraphs complete/incomplete cases for main dashboardgetGraphs cases based on the provided column and grouping configgetGraphs cases based on the provided column and grouping config (parent module)getGraphs Cases status by date due based on date rangegetGraphs cases based on date rangegetRun the specified report for casesgetFilters cases based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves all cases based on the custom field criteria providedgetCreates a new casepostUpdates an case recordputDeletes an casedeleteRetrieves a casegetCatalogueRetrieves all cataloguesgetCreates a new cataloguepostRetrieves basic data for the catalog listgetFilters catalogues based on the specified criteriapostGraphs catalogues based on the provided column and grouping configpostConverts all controls for this catalog into mappingsgetUpdates a catalogue recordputDeletes a cataloguedeleteRetrieves an cataloguegetRetrieves an catalogue by GUIDgetRetrieves a list of catalogue titles based on ID array givenpostRetrieves catalogue data related to NIST 800-171getCategorizationRetrieves all categorizationsgetCreates a new categorizationpostRetrieves basic data for the categorization listgetFilters categorizations based on the specified criteriapostUpdates a categorization recordputArchives a categorizationdeleteRetrieves a categorizationgetRetrieves a categorization record with detailsgetRetrieves a categorization record by its namegetCategorizationAnswerRetrieves all categorization answersgetCreates a new categorization answerpostUpdates a categorization answer recordputDeletes a categorization answerdeleteRetrieves a categorization answergetRetrieves a categorization answer by its parent categorization instancegetCategorizationInfoRetrieves all categorization info typesgetCreates a new categorization info typepostUpdates a categorization info recordputDeletes a categorization info typedeleteRetrieves a categorization info typegetRetrieves a categorization info type by its parent categorization instancegetCategorizationInstanceRetrieves all categorization instancesgetCreates a new categorization instancepostUpdates a categorization instance recordputDeletes a categorization instancedeleteRetrieves a categorization instancegetRetrieves a categorization instance by its parentgetApplies the categorization engine to the selected recordpostCategorizationQuestionRetrieves all categorizationsgetCreates a new categorization questionpostRetrieves basic data for the categorization list by parentgetFilters categorization questions based on the specified criteriapostUpdates a categorization recordputArchives a categorization questiondeleteRetrieves a categorization questiongetRetrieves a categorization question by its namegetCausalAnalysisRetrieves all causal analysisgetRetrieves total causal analysis countgetRetrieves list of overdue causal analysisgetRetrieves list of causal analysis due in the month/year of the date providedgetGraphs causal analysis based on the provided column and grouping configpostGraphs causal analyses based on the provided date range and groups by strGroupBy columngetGraphs causal analyses based on the provided date rangegetFilters causal analysis based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves all causal analysis based on the custom field criteria providedgetCreates a new causal analysispostUpdates a causal analysis recordputDeletes a causal analysisdeleteGraphs complete/incomplete causals for main dashboardgetGets data for causal analysis card on main dashboardgetRetrieves a causal analysisgetRun the specified report for issuesgetGraphs Causal Analysis by due date based on date rangegetGraphs completed Causal analysis schedule based on date rangegetGraphs Causal Analysis status by date due based on date rangegetDashboard of IssuesgetCauseCodeRetrieves all cause codesgetRetrieves all cause codes for a given parent causal analysisgetRetrieves total cause code countgetCreates a new cause codepostDeletes a cause codedeleteCCIRetrieves all CCIs for a given controlgetCreates a new CCIpostRetrieves CCI data for the security control providedgetCreates a batch of new CCIs based on the provided arraypostUpdates a CCI recordputDeletes a CCIdeleteRetrieves an CCIgetClassificationTypesCreates a new classification typepostRetrieves all classification typesgetCreates a batch of new Classification Types based on the provided arraypostRetrieves classification type by idgetUpdates a classification type recordputDeletes a classification typedeleteFilters assets based on the specified criteriapostClassifiedRecordsRetrieves all classified recordsgetRetrieves all classified records for the given parent recordgetDeletes a classified recorddeleteCommentsRetrieves all comments for a parent recordgetCreates a new commentpostDeletes a commentdeleteComponentRetrieves all componentsgetRetrieves all components in a simple list viewgetRetrieves all components for a given parent security plangetRetrieves total component countgetGraphs components based on the provided column and grouping configpostGraphs security plans based on the provided date rangegetRun the specified report for policiesgetFilters components based on the specified criteriapostFilters components based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves all components based on the custom field criteria providedgetCreates a new componentpostUpdates a component recordputDeletes a componentdeleteRetrieves a componentgetRetrieves a component by unique GUIDgetRetrieves components titles, given an array of component id'sgetGets data for main dashboardgetGets data for main dashboardgetOSCAL export of a ComponentgetProvides component data for the status boardgetRetrieves child issues of component and related eMass fieldsgetComponentMappingFilters component mappingsgetCreates a new component mappingpostDeletes a mappingdeleteRetrieves an component mappinggetRetrieves all component mappings for a given componentgetRetrieves all component mappings for a given component IDgetRetrieves all security plans for a given component IDgetConditionRetrieves all conditions for a parent recordgetCreates a new ConditionpostUpdates a Condition recordputDeletes a conditiondeleteRetrieves a ConditiongetConfigUpdates a configurationputRetrieves progress in setting up the tenant for the given usergetIndexes logs for faster query performancegetDeletes logs older than a set number of daysgetUpdates the licensegetRetrieves configgetRetrieves total number of RegScale usersget/api/config/getDataDogFixturesgetControlImplementationRetrieves all security control implementationsgetRetrieves short version of all control implementationsgetRetrieves all security control implementations for a given security plangetRetrieves all security control implementations for a given parentgetRetrieves all control implementations for a given parent modulesgetRetrieves all security control implementations for a given security plan (with control details)getRetrieves all security control implementations for a given security plan (with control details)getSaves the Compliance history of a given object, notated in the create model. and save compliance history to database.postRetrieves all security control implementations with objectives for a given security plangetRetrieves all security control implementations for a given array of component IDspostRetrieves all security control implementations for a given security plangetRetrieves all security control implementations for a given security plangetGet control implementation list by parent with relates security control informationgetRetrieves all security control implementations for a given parent controlgetRetrieves all security control implementations and their parent control's relevant data for a given security plangetRetrieves all security control implementations and their parent control's relevant data for a given security plangetRetrieves all security control implementations and their parent control's relevent data for a given componentgetRetrieves all security control implementations and their parent control's relevant data for a given security plangetProvides control implementation data for exportgetRetrieves basic security control implementation data for a given security plangetRetrieves all security control implementations for a given security plan - grouped by date assessed (Month/Year)getRetrieves all security control implementations for a given parent- grouped by date assessed (Month/Year)getRetrieves all security control implementations for all assets under a componentgetGraphs controls based on the provided date rangegetRetrieves all security control implementations for a given control - grouped by date assessed (Month/Year)getRetrieves all security control implementations by status for a given parentgetRetrieves all security control implementations by status for a given parent controlgetRetrieves all security control implementations by owner for a given parent security plangetRetrieves all security control implementations by owner for a given parent controlgetRetrieves all security control implementations by last assessment result for a given parent security plangetRetrieves all security control implementations by last assessment result for a given parent controlgetRetrieves all security control implementations by process maturity level for a given parentgetRetrieves all security control implementations by practice maturity level for a given parentgetRetrieves all security control implementations by status for a given controlgetRetrieves all security control implementations by practice maturity level for a given controlgetRetrieves all security control implementations by process maturity level for a given controlgetGraphs controls based on the provided column and grouping configpostFilters controls based on the specified criteriapostFilters controls based on the specified criteriapostReturns number of controls based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves all controls based on the custom field criteria providedgetCreates a new security control implementationpostCreates a batch of new control implementations based on the provided arraypostUpdates a batch of control implementations based on the provided arraypostUpdates a security control implementation recordputDeletes a security control implementationdeleteRetrieves a security control implementationgetUpdates a security control implementation record's status and weightputGraphs issues based on the provided column and grouping config (parent module)getGraphs control implementations based on the provided column and grouping config (Control ID)getGraphs controls based on parent module and cataloguegetRetrieves all security control implementations for a given security plan, then groups by familygetGraphs CIs based on the provided Security PlangetRun the specified report for CIsgetRetrieves all controls for a given parent module and idgetRetrieves all controls for a given parent module and idgetRetrieves all controls for all assets that fall under a componentgetRetrieves all controls for all assets that fall under a componentgetGets all relevant context for a given security controlgetControlObjectiveRetrieves all objectives in the system (GetAll)getCreates a new Control ObjectivepostRetrieves objective data for the catalog providedgetRetrieves objective data for the security control providedgetRetrieves objective data for the catalogue providedgetCreates a batch of new control objectives based on the provided arraypostUpdates a security control objective recordputDeletes a control objectivedeleteRetrieves an control objectivegetControlParameterRetrieves all parameters for a given controlgetCreates a new Control ParameterpostRetrieves parameter data for the security control providedgetCreates a batch of new control parameters based on the provided arraypostUpdates a security control parameter recordputDeletes a control parameterdeleteRetrieves an control parametergetControlTestPlansRetrieves all tests for a given controlgetCreates a new Control Test PlanpostRetrieves basic test plan data for the security control providedgetCreates a batch of new control test plans based on the provided arraypostUpdates a security control test plan recordputDeletes a control test plandeleteRetrieves an control test plangetControlTestResultsRetrieves a Control Test ResultgetRetrieves a Control Test ResultgetRetrieves a List of Control Test ResultsgetCreates a new control test resultpostUpdates a test resultputDeletes a test resultdeleteControlTestsRetrieves a Control TestgetCreates a new control testpostCreates a batch of new control tests based on the provided arraypostUpdates a testputDeletes a testdeleteGets control tests by parent control implementationgetGets control tests by parent requirementgetCustomFieldsRetrieves custom fields for one modulegetRetrieves custom fields for one modulegetRetrieves required custom fields for one modulegetRetrieves custom field by idgetFilters custom fields for one modulegetUpdates a batch of custom fields based on the provided arraypostCreate a custom fieldpostUpdtes a custom fieldputUpdates the sort order using the drag and drop systempostEnable a custom fieldputRequire a custom fieldputCustomFieldsDataRetrieves custom fields for one module's recordgetUpdates a batch of custom fields based on the provided arraypostCreate a custom field data recordpostCreate a batch of custom fields from the modules custom fieldsgetCustomFieldsSelectItemsCreates custom fields select itemspostUpdates custom fields select itemsputGet custom fields select itemsgetGet custom fields select items for a requestgetEnable a custom select itemputDashboardWidgetRetrieves dashboard widgetgetDataCallsRetrieves all data callsgetRetrieves data calls for the provided user ID that aren't cancelled or completed within the number of days providedgetRetrieves total data call countgetRetrieves list of overdue data callsgetGraphs complete/incomplete data calls for main dashboardgetGets data for main dashboardgetGets data for main dashboardgetGets data for main dashboardgetCreates recurring data calls based on the criteria specifiedgetRetrieves list of data calls due in the month/year of the date providedgetGraphs data calls based on the provided column and grouping configpostGraphs data calls based on the provided date rangegetFilters data calls based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves all data calls based on the custom field criteria providedgetCreates a new data callpostUpdates a data call recordputDeletes a data calldeleteRetrieves an data callgetRun the specified report for exceptionsgetGraphs data calls by due date based on date rangegetGraphs Issues schedule based on date rangegetGraphs Issues schedule based on date rangegetDashboard of Data callsgetGraphs Data Calls schedule based on date rangegetRetrieves all Data Calls with due dates within the given date rangegetRetrieves all Data Calls with date due, date requested, or date completed within the given date rangegetDocumentEngineRetrieves child controls of SSP and related eMass fieldsgetEmailSends an emailpostSends an emailpostRetrieves the domain URL for use in email linksgetDefault address for sending ADMIN emails (i.e. to activate new users)getFilters history events by parentgetRetrieves an emailgetEventsCreates a new eventpostUpdates an event recordputDeletes an eventdeleteRetrieves an eventgetRetrieves an eventgetExceptionsRetrieves all exceptionsgetRetrieves total exception countgetRetrieves # of exceptions in an expired statusgetRetrieves all exceptions for a given parent recordgetGraphs exceptions based on number submitted/approved/expiring by monthgetRetrieves list of exceptions due in the month/year of the date providedgetGraphs exceptions based on the provided column and grouping configpostGraphs exceptions based on the provided date rangegetFilters exceptions based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves all exceptions based on the custom field criteria providedgetCreates a new exceptionpostUpdates an exception recordputDeletes an exceptiondeleteRetrieves an exceptiongetRun the specified report for exceptionsgetGraphs exceptions by expiration date based on date rangegetGets data for exceptions card on main dashboardgetDashboard of ExceptionsgetGraphs exceptions based on the provided column and grouping config (parent module)getFacilitiesRetrieves all facilitiesgetPings Google MapsgetRetrieves all facilitiesgetRetrieves all active facilitiesgetRetrieves total facility countgetProvides facility data for the status boardgetFilters facilities based on the specified criteriapostCreates a new facilitypostUpdates a facility recordputDeletes a facilitydeleteActivates or deactivates the specified facilitygetRetrieves a facilitygetRetrieves a facility by namegetFileUploadCreates a new file objectpostRetrieves a list of files for the given recordgetFilters files based on the specified criteriagetUploads the filepostDeletes a specific filedeleteDelete the unencrypted file after downloaddeleteRetrieves the file metadatagetDownloads a specific filegetGroupsCreates a new grouppostActivates a groups recordgetUpdates a groups recordputRetrieves a groupgetRetrieves all groupsgetRetrieves all groups for a given usergetFilters groups based on the specified criteriagetRetrieves all users for a given groupgetHistoryFilters history events by parentgetFilters history based on specified criteriapostCreates a new history eventpostRetrieves all history events for the specified user over the last year, grouped by month/yeargetRetrieves all history events for the specified record over the last year, grouped by month/yeargetRetrieves all history events for the specified record over the last year, grouped by hourgetRetrieves history events for the specified time period - grouped by month/yeargetRetrieves history events for the specified time period - grouped by daygetRetrieves total history events by ModulegetRetrieves total history events by event typegetRetrieves all history events for a given record, grouped by event typegetRetrieves all history events for a given record, grouped by usergetRetrieves number of edit events for a given recordgetImplementationObjectivesRetrieves all implementation objectivesgetCreates a new Implementation ObjectivepostRetrieves objective data for the control implementation providedgetRetrieves assessment data for the given control implementation + objective pairgetCreates a batch of new implementation objectives based on the provided arraypostUpdates an implementation objective recordputDeletes an implementation objectivedeleteRetrieves an implementation objectivegetMerges a control implementation's objectives with the parent catalogue defaultsgetImplementationOptionsRetrieves all implementation options in the system (GetAll)getCreates a new Implementation OptionpostRetrieves basic option data for the security control providedgetCreates a batch of new options based on the provided arraypostUpdates an implementation option recordputDeletes a implementation optiondeleteRetrieves an implementation optiongetIncidentsRetrieves all incidentsgetRetrieves total incident countgetRetrieves all incidents for the parent recordgetRetrieves short version of all incidentsgetGraphs incidents based on the provided column and grouping configpostGraphs data incidents based on the provided date rangegetGets data for main dashboardgetGraphs complete/incomplete incidents for main dashboardgetFilters incidents based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves all incidents based on the custom field criteria providedgetCreates a new incidentpostUpdates an incident recordputDeletes an incidentdeleteRetrieves an incidentgetRun the specified report for incidentsgetGraphs Incidents based on date rangegetGraphs Issues schedule based on date rangegetDashboard of IncidentsgetGraphs incidents based on the provided column and grouping config (parent module)getInheritanceCreates a new inheritance relationshippostRetrieves all inheritance recordsgetRetrieves all legacy inherited control implementationsgetRetrieves all inheritance records for the given parent recordgetRetrieves count inheritance records for the given parent recordgetRetrieves all inheritance records for the given parent record with child detailsgetDeletes a inheritance relationshipdeleteInheritedControlsRetrieves all Inherited Controls for a parent recordgetRetrieves all Inherited Controls for a given base controlgetCreates a new Inherited ControlpostCreates a batch of new inherited controls based on the provided arraypostUpdates an Inherited Control recordputDeletes an Inherited ControldeleteRetrieves an Inherited ControlgetInterconnectionsRetrieves all interconnectsgetRetrieves total interconnect countgetRetrieves all interconnects for the given parent recordgetRetrieves list of interconnects due in the month/year of the date providedgetGraphs interconnects based on the provided column and grouping configpostGraphs interconnects based on the provided date rangegetFilters interconnects based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves all interconnects based on the custom field criteria providedgetCreates a new interconnectpostUpdates an interconnect recordputDeletes an interconnectdeleteRetrieves an interconnectgetRun the specified report for interconnectionsgetGraphs Interconnects schedule based on date rangegetGets data for interconnects card on main dashboardgetGraphs interconnections based on the provided column and grouping config (parent module)getIssuesRetrieves all issuesgetRetrieves issues for provided user ID that aren't closed or cancelled within the number of days providedgetProcesses lineage for the given issue #getRetrieves total issue countgetRetrieves all issues with due dates within the given date rangegetRetrieves all issues with due dates within the given date rangegetRetrieves all issues with due dates within the given date rangegetRetrieves all issues with due dates within the given date rangegetRetrieves all issues with due dates within the given date rangegetRetrieves all issues with due dates within the given date rangegetRetrieves all issues with due dates within the given date rangegetRetrieves all issues closed within the given date rangegetRetrieves all issues where the provided integration field is populatedgetRetrieves short version of all issuesgetRetrieves all issues for the given parent recordgetRetrieves all issues for the given grandparent recordgetRetrieves all issues based on the custom field criteria providedgetProvides issue timeline data for the given parentgetRetrieves list of issues due in the month/year of the date providedgetGraphs issues based on the provided column and grouping configpostGraphs issues based on the provided date rangegetFilters issues based on the specified criteriapostCreates a new issuepostUpdates an issue recordputDeletes an issuedeleteRetrieves an issuegetRetrieves child issues of component and related eMass fieldsgetRetrieves child issues of security plan, and related eMass fieldsgetRetrieves the issuegetRetrieves the issuegetRetrieves the issuegetRetrieves the issuegetRetrieves the issuegetRetrieves the issue by using the Microsoft Defender 365 Recommendation IDgetRetrieves the issue by using the Microsoft Defender 365 Alert IDgetRetrieves the issue by using the Microsoft Defender for Cloud IDgetRun the specified report for issuesgetGraphs Issues schedule based on date rangegetGraphs Issues schedule based on date rangegetGraphs Issues schedule based on date rangegetGraphs Issues schedule based on date rangegetGraphs Issues schedule based on date rangegetGraphs Issues schedule based on date rangegetGraphs Issues schedule based on date rangegetDashboard of IssuesgetGets drill down info for issues (main dashboard) chartsgetGets data for main dashboardgetGraphs complete/incomplete incidents for main dashboardgetGraphs issues based on the provided column and grouping config (parent module)getLdapHandles LDAP login event for ATLASpostGet list of members of the Atlas AD groupgetSync members of the Atlas AD groupgetDeletes or deactives at LDAP usersgetLinksRetrieves all links for the given parent recordgetRetrieves all links for the given parent recordgetCreates a new linkpostUpdates a link recordputDeletes a linkdeleteLogEventFilters logs based on the specified criteriagetMappingRetrieves a specific mapping (combination of mapping ID and control ID)getRetrieves all mapped controls for a given controlgetRetrieves all mapped controls for a given controlgetRetrieves all mapped controls for a given cataloguegetCreates a new mappingpostDeletes a control mappingdeleteMasterAssessmentsRetrieves a Master AssessmentgetRetrieves an "In Progress" master assessment for a given parentgetRetrieves a "Complete" master assessment for a given parentgetRetrieves all assessments related to the specified master assessmentgetCreates a new master assessmentpostUpdates a master assessmentputDeletes a master assessmentdeleteMetadataRetrieves all metadatagetFilters metadata based on the specified criteriagetCreates a new metadata recordpostRetrieves all metadata by module and fieldgetActivates or deactivates a metadata recordgetUpdates a metadata recordputDeletes a metadata recorddeleteRetrieves a metadata recordgetMilestoneRetrieves all milestones for a parent recordgetCreates a new MilestonepostUpdates a Milestone recordputDeletes a milestonedeleteRetrieves a MilestonegetMitigationFilters mitigationsgetCreates a new mitigationpostUpdates a mitigationputDeletes a mitigationdeleteRetrieves a mitigationgetRetrieves all risk/control mappings for a given controlgetRetrieves all threat mappings for a given risk IDgetRetrieves all risk mappings for a given control IDgetOrganizationRetrieves all organizationsgetRetrieves all OrgsgetRetrieves all active organizationsgetRetrieves total organization countgetFilters organizations based on the specified criteriapostCreates a new organizationpostUpdates an organization recordputDeletes an organizationdeleteActivates or deactivates the specified organizationgetRetrieves an organizationgetRetrieves an organization by namegetOscalNamespaceMappingCreates a new classified recordpostRetrieves all oscal namespace mappings to parametersgetCreates a batch of namespace datapostRetrieves all oscal namespaces mapped to a parametergetDeletes an oscal namespace/parameter mappingdeleteOscalNamespacesUpdates a testputArchives an OSCAL NamespacedeleteRetrieves an oscal namespacegetParameterRetrieves all parametersgetRetrieves all parameters for a given parent control implementationgetRetrieves total parameter countgetCreates a new parameterpostUpdates a parameter recordputDeletes a parameterdeleteRetrieves a parametergetRetrieves a parameter by unique GUIDgetMerges a control implementation's parameters with the parent catalogue defaultsgetPoliciesRetrieves all policiesgetRetrieves a list of policies with minimal datagetRetrieves total policy countgetRetrieves all policies for the given parent recordgetRetrieves list of policies due in the month/year of the date providedgetProvides policy data for the status boardgetGraphs policies based on the provided column and grouping configpostRetrieves task/issue data required for gantt chartgetGraphs policies based on the provided date rangegetGets data for policies card on main dashboardgetDashboard of PoliciesgetRun the specified report for policiesgetGraphs policies schedule based on date rangegetFilters policies based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves all policies based on the custom field criteria providedgetCreates a new policypostUpdates a policy recordputDeletes a policydeleteRetrieves a policygetPortsProtocolsRetrieves all ports and protocolsgetRetrieves all ports and protocols for a given parent recordgetUpdates a ports and protocols recordputDeletes a ports/protocoldeleteRetrieves a port and protocolgetPostsFilters history based on specified criteriapostFilters history based on specified criteriapostFilters history based on specified criteriapostRetrieves filtered News Feed postspostRetrieves a News Feed PostpostRetrieves a News Feed PostpostRetrieves most recent news Feed PostgetRetrieves a News Feed PostgetCreates a new News PostpostAttempts to send a test messagegetRetrieves News Feed posts over the specified number of days, grouped by Month/YearpostShows News Feed counts grouped by modulegetProfileLinksCreates a new profile mappingpostRetrieves all security profilesgetDeletes a security profile linkdeleteRetrieves all profiles linked to any module with a builder module options: security plan, component, policy, projects, supply chaingetProfileMappingRetrieves all security profile mappingsgetRetrieves a specific security profile mappinggetRetrieves all mappings for a given profilegetRetrieves all catalogs imported for a given profilegetCreates a new profile mappingpostCreates a batch of new profile mappings based on the provided arraypostUpdates a profile mapping recordputDeletes a profile mappingdeleteRetrieves a profile mappinggetCreates a batch of new profile mappings based on the provided arraypostDeletes a profile mapping - with control and profile IDs to find the mappingdeleteProfilesRetrieves all security profilesgetRetrieves basic data for the profilesgetRetrieves profiles with their controlspostRetrieves total security profile countgetGraphs security profiles based on the provided column and grouping configpostApplies a specific profile to a RegScale record based on the ID and Module key value pairpostFilters security profiles based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves all profiles based on the custom field criteria providedgetCreates a new security profilepostUpdates a security profile recordputDeletes a security profiledeleteRetrieves a security profilegetRetrieves a security profilegetProjectsRetrieves all projectsgetRetrieves list of projects due in the month/year of the date providedgetRetrieves task/issue data required for gantt chartgetProvides project data for the status boardgetGraphs projects based on the provided column and grouping configpostGraphs projects based on the provided date rangegetFilters projects based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves all projects based on the custom field criteria providedgetCreates a new projectpostUpdates a project recordputDeletes a projectdeleteRetrieves a projectgetRun the specified report for projectsgetGraphs Projects schedule based on date rangegetDashboard of ProjectsgetGets data for causal analysis card on main dashboardgetGraphs complete/incomplete projects for main dashboardgetPropertiesRetrieves all properties for the given parent recordgetCreates a new propertypostCreates a batch of new properties based on the provided arraypostUpdates a property recordputDeletes a propertydeletePushNotifications/api/pushNotifications/sendpostCreates a new push notificationpostRetrieves a push notification by IDgetRetrieves total count of unread notifications by usergetRetrieves unread notifications by usergetRetrieves unread notifications by user and typegetDismisses a notificationgetDismisses all notifications of a certain type for a given usergetQueryRetrieves all reports for the user for a given modulegetCreates a new querypostRetrieves a query and parametersgetDeletes a query and parametersdeleteQuestionnaireRetrieves all questionnairesgetRetrieves total questionnaire countgetGraphs questionnaires based on the provided column and grouping configpostGraphs questionnaires based on the provided date rangegetFilters questionnaires based on the specified criteriapostCreates a new questionnairepostUpdates a questionnaire recordputDeletes a questionnairedeleteRetrieves a questionnairegetRbacGet RBAC records for a module recordgetAdds an module record's RBAC recordgetDeletes a module record's RBAC recorddeleteSets a parent's isPublic valuegetGets RBAC detail about a recordgetReferencesRetrieves all references for a parent recordgetCreates a new referencepostUpdates a Reference recordputDeletes a referencedeleteRetrieves a ReferencegetRelationshipFilters relationship events by base idgetCreates a new relationshippostUpdates a relationshipputDeletes a relationshipdeleteRetrieves a relationshipgetRetrieves a relationship by base ID and related IDgetRetrieves list of ID's related to an issue (base ID)getRetrieves list of ID's related to an issuegetRequirementRetrieves all requirementsgetRetrieves all requirements for a given parentgetRetrieves all requirements and their parent control's relevant data for a given policygetRetrieves basic requirement data for a given parentgetGraphs assessments based on the provided column and grouping configpostGraphs requirements based on the provided date rangegetGraphs Issues schedule based on date range Graphs Issues schedule based on date rangegetGraphs issues based on the provided column and grouping config (parent module)getFilters requirements based on the specified criteriapostFilters controls based on the specified criteriapostReturns number of controls based on the specified criteriapostProvides data for the requirements scorecardgetRetrieves all requirements based on the custom field criteria providedgetCreates a new requirementpostUpdates a requirement recordputDeletes a requirementdeleteRetrieves a requirementgetRun the specified report for interconnectionsgetGets data for requirements card on main dashboardgetCreates a batch of new requirements based on the provided arraypostRiskRetrieves all risksgetProcesses lineage for the given risk #getRetrieves all risks for the given parent recordgetRetrieves all risks for the given grandparent recordgetRetrieves open risks for the given parent module typegetRetrieves short version of all risksgetProvides risk data for the status boardgetGraphs risks based on the provided column and grouping configpostGraphs risks based on the provided date rangegetGraphs Risks schedule based on date rangegetFilters risks based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves all risks based on the custom field criteria providedgetCreates a new riskpostUpdates a risk recordputDeletes a riskdeleteRetrieves a riskgetRun the specified report for risksgetGraphs Risks schedule based on date rangegetDashboard of RisksgetGets data for risks card on main dashboardgetGraphs complete/incomplete risks for main dashboardgetGraphs risks based on the provided column and grouping config (parent module)getRiskIncidentMappingFilters risk incident mappingsgetCreates a new risk/incident mappingpostDeletes a mappingdeleteRetrieves a risk/incident mappinggetRetrieves all risk/incident mappings for a given componentgetRetrieves all incident mappings for a given risk IDgetRetrieves all risk mappings for a given incident IDgetRiskIssueMappingFilters risk issue mappingsgetCreates a new risk/issue mappingpostDeletes a mappingdeleteRetrieves a risk/issue mappinggetRetrieves all risk/issue mappings for a given componentgetRetrieves all issue mappings for a given risk IDgetRetrieves all risk mappings for a given issue IDgetRiskThreatMappingFilters risk threat mappingsgetCreates a new risk/threat mappingpostDeletes a mappingdeleteRetrieves a risk/threat mappinggetRetrieves all risk/threat mappings for a given threatgetRetrieves all threat mappings for a given risk IDgetRetrieves all risk mappings for a given threat IDgetRiskTrendRetrieves all risk trendsgetRetrieves all trends for a given parent riskgetRetrieves total risk trend countgetCreates a new risk trendpostUpdates a risk trend recordputDeletes a risk trenddeleteRetrieves a risk trendgetRetrieves a risk trend by unique GUIDgetSBOMRetrieves all SBOM recordsgetRetrieves all SBOM records for a given parentgetRetrieves total SBOM countgetFilters SBOMs based on the specified criteriagetCreates a new SBOM recordpostRetrieves a SBOM recordgetRetrieves a SBOM by unique GUIDgetDeletes a SBOMdeleteScanHistoryRetrieves all scan historygetRetrieves all scan history for a given parentgetRetrieves total scan countgetRetrieves scan results for the provided recordgetFilters scans based on the specified criteriagetCreates a new scanpostRetrieves a scangetRetrieves a scan by unique GUIDgetScraper/api/supplyChainRisk/getAllgetProcesses violations and risk data for suppliersgetProcesses violations and risk data for suppliersgetSecurityControlRetrieves all security controlsgetCreates a new security controlpostRetrieves basic data for the catalog providedgetRetrieves basic data for the catalog providedgetGraphs security controls based on the provided column and grouping configpostFilters datacalls based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves basic data for the catalog provided w/o the control type filter allows all controlsgetRetrieves basic data for the catalog providedgetFilters security controls based on the cataloguegetFilters security controls based on the catalogue (with all details provided)getFilters security controls based on the catalogue (with all details provided)getFilters security controls based on the catalogue and familygetCreates a batch of new security controls based on the provided arraypostUpdates a security control recordputDeletes a security controldeleteRetrieves a security controlgetRetrieves a security controlgetLooks up a control by its unique, business-friendly IDgetBatch converts all catalogs to set the sort ID for security controlsgetSecurityPlanRetrieves task/issue data required for gantt chartgetCreates a new security planpostUpdates a security plan recordputDeletes a security plandeleteUpdates a security plan System Nameget/api/securityplans/getCountgetRetrieves # of security plans that have expiredgetRetrieves a security plangetRetrieves the security Plan by Wiz Project IDgetRetrieves the security Plan by ServiceNow Assignment GroupgetRetrieves the security Plan by Tenable Asset GroupgetRetrieves the security Plan by Jira ProjectgetDashboard of Security PlansgetRun the specified report for policiesgetGraphs policies schedule based on date rangegetGraphs security plans and groups them by status (approved, submitted, expired)getRetrieves child issues of SSP and related eMass fieldsget/api/securityplans/mainDashboard/{intYear}getGraphs security plans based on the provided column and grouping configpost/api/securityplans/graphByDate/{strGroupBy}/{year}get/api/securityplans/userOpenItemsDays/{strUserId}/{intDays}getRetrieves all security plansgetRetrieves a list of security plans with minimal datagetRetrieves all security plans based on the custom field criteria providedgetFilters security plans based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves list of security plans due in the month/year of the date providedgetProvides security plan data for exportgetRetrieves a list of inheritable security plans with minimal datagetProvides security plan data for the status boardget/api/securityplans/megaAPI/{intId}getServiceAccountRetrieves all service accountsgetRetrieves total service account countgetFilters service accounts based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves a specific service accountgetCreates a new service accountpostStakeholdersRetrieves all stakeholdersgetRetrieves total stakeholder countgetRetrieves all stakeholders for the given parent recordgetCreates a new stakeholderpostUpdates a stakeholder recordputDeletes a stakeholderdeleteRetrieves a stakeholdergetSupplyChainRetrieves all supply chain recordsgetRetrieves total number of supply chain recordsgetRetrieves all supply chain records for the parent recordgetGraphs supply chain records based on the provided column and grouping configpostGraphs supply chains based on the provided date rangegetGraphs supply chains based on number beginning/ending by monthgetGraphs supply chains based on the provided date rangegetRetrieves task/issue data required for gantt chartgetFilters supply chain records based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves all supply chain based on the custom field criteria providedgetProvides supply chain data for the status boardgetCreates a new supply chain recordpostUpdates a supply chain recordputDeletes a supply chain recorddeleteRetrieves a supply chain recordgetGets data for causal analysis card on main dashboardgetDashboard of Supply ChaingetRun the specified report for supply chaingetGraphs supply chain schedule based on date rangegetTaskRetrieves all tasksgetRetrieves all tasks that aren't cancelled or closed for the given user within the number of days providedgetRetrieves all tasks for the given parent recordgetCreates recurring tasks based on the criteria specifiedgetGets data for main dashboardgetRetrieves list of tasks due in the month/year of the date providedgetGraphs tasks based on the provided column and grouping configpostGraphs tasks based on the provided date rangegetFilters tasks based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves all tasks based on the custom field criteria providedgetCreates a new taskpostUpdates a task recordputDeletes a taskdeleteRetrieves a taskgetRun the specified report for issuesgetGraphs Issues schedule based on date rangegetGraphs Issues schedule based on date rangegetDashboard of IssuesgetGraphs Tasks schedule based on date rangegetRetrieves all Tasks with due dates within the given date rangegetRetrieves all tasks with planned start, planned finish, or actual finish within the given date rangegetTeamsRetrieves all Teams for a parent recordgetCreates a new TeampostUpdates a Team recordputDeletes a teamdeleteRetrieves a TeamgetTenantRetrieves the application license keygetRetrieves the application domaingetThreadsRetrieves all threads for the given parent recordgetCreates a new threadpostThreatsRetrieves all threadsgetRetrieves total threat countgetRetrieves all threats for the given parent recordgetRetrieves short version of all threatsgetRetrieves short version of all threats by parent modulegetGraphs threats based on the provided column and grouping configpostGraphs threats based on the provided date rangegetFilters threats based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves all threats based on the custom field criteria providedgetCreates a new threatpostUpdates a threat recordputDeletes a threatdeleteRetrieves a threatgetRun the specified report for issuesgetGraphs Issues schedule based on date rangegetGets data for threats card on main dashboardgetGraphs complete/incomplete threats for main dashboardgetDashboard of IssuesgetGraphs threats based on the provided column and grouping config (parent module)getTimeTravelRetrieves all Time Travel records for the given parent recordgetChecks the MD5getToolsRetrieves all tools for a parent recordgetCreates a new ToolpostUpdates a Tool recordputDeletes a tooldeleteRetrieves a ToolgetUserGroupsCreates a new user grouppostRetrieves all user groupsgetUpdates a groups recordputRetrieves a groupgetDeletes user groupdeleteFilters user groups based on the specified criteriagetVolpeAuthorizes RegScale to communicate with the specified Volpe tenant (setup in the Admin panel->Integrations)getRetrieves the system list in VITG for your organizationgetRetrieves the document list in VITG for a given systemgetSubmits a system security plan to VITG for processingpostVulnerabilityRetrieves all vulnerabilitiesgetRetrieves all vulnerabilities for a given scangetRetrieves total vulnerability countgetCreates a new vulnerabilitypostRetrieves a vulnerabilitygetRetrieves a vulnerability by unique GUIDgetRetrieves list of vulnerabilities based on filtering parametersgetWorkflowInstanceRetrieves all workflow instancesgetFilters workflow instance steps by their module instance that created the workflowgetRetrieves total workflow instances countgetRetrieves # of active workflow instancesgetRetrieves total workflow instances by statusgetRetrieves open workflows for the provided user that were started within the provided days before today's dategetFilters workflow instances based on the specified criteriagetFilters workflow instances by usergetApprove workflow stepputUpdates a workflow instance recordputCreate workflow instance from modulepostReject workflow stepputCreate workflow instance from templatepostCreates a new workflow instancepostUpdates a workflow instance recordputDeletes a workflow instancedeleteRetrieves a workflow instancegetWorkflowInstanceStepsRetrieves all workflow instance steps for the provided workflow instancegetFilters workflow instance steps by their parentgetCreates a new workflow instance steppostUpdates a workflow instance step recordputRetrieves a workflow instance stepgetWorkflowTemplateRetrieves all workflow templatesgetRetrieves total count of workflow templatesgetRetrieves workflow templates by the given modulegetFilters workflow templates based on the specified criteriagetCreates a new workflow templatepostUpdates a workflow template recordputRetrieves a workflow template by workflow template IDgetWorkflowTemplateStepsRetrieves all workflow template steps for the provided workflow templategetFilters workflow template steps by their parentgetCreates a new workflow template steppostUpdates a workflow template step recordputRemoves a workflow template step record and updates the templateputReorders a workflow template's stepspostRetrieves a workflow template stepgetRegScale API DocumentationAccountsCreates a new ATLAS user. Leverages the default .NET Core Identity and extends it with custom fields for ATLAS.postUpdates the ATLAS user profileputRetrieves a list of all activated users in the systemgetResets the cachegetCreates new ATLAS users.postCreates new RegScale users based on Azure AD account groupspostAdds the specified user to the specified rolepostChecks to see if the specified user has the specified rolegetDeletes the specified role for this userdeleteRetrieves a list of all activated users in the systemgetRetrieves a list of all activated users in the systemgetRetrieves users by tenant based on whether or not they receive email notificationsgetRetrieves a list of all activated users in the system by tenantgetFilters users based on the specified criteriagetFilters users based on the role providedgetActivates or deactivates the specified usergetRetrieves the user based on the provided user namegetRetrieves the user by their ATLAS User IDgetRetrieves the list of available ATLAS rolesgetRetrieves all roles for the specified usergetChanges the user's profile picturepostAggregatorRetrieves all subsystem record counts for the given parent recordgetRetrieves all child record counts for the given parent recordgetRetrieves a specific security plan statusboardgetRetrieves a specific component statusboardgetRetrieves a specific supply chain statusboardgetRetrieves a specific policy statusboardgetRetrieves a specific project statusboardgetAssessmentRetrieves all assessmentsgetRetrieves list of assessments for a user that aren't cancelled or completed within the number of days providedgetRetrieves all assessments for the given parent recordgetRetrieves all assessments for the given grandparent recordgetRetrieves all assessments for the given master assessmentgetRetrieves total assessment countgetCreates recurring assessments based on the criteria specifiedgetProcesses lineage for the given assessment #getGets the last and next upcoming assessmentgetProvides assessment timeline data for the given parentgetRetrieves list of assessments due in the month/year of the date providedgetGraphs assessments based on the provided column and grouping configpostGraphs assessments based on the provided column and grouping configgetGraphs assessment schedule based on date range and the field specifiedgetRetrieves all assessments with planned start, planned finish, or actual finish within the given date rangegetRetrieves all assessments with due dates within the given date range that are not completegetRetrieves all assessments completed within the given date rangegetGroup by owner then status based on date rangegetGroup by owner then status based on date rangegetGroup by owner then status based on date rangegetGroup by owner then status based on date rangegetGets data for main dashboardgetGets data for main dashboardgetGets data for main dashboardgetGets data for main dashboardgetGraphs assessments by due date, shows on time and lategetGraphs assessments by due date and status, shows statuses of not late, and shows late if lategetRun the specified report for assessmentsgetRetrieves all assessments based on the custom field criteria providedgetFilters assessments based on the specified criteriapostCreates a new assessmentpostCreates a new assessmentpostCreates a batch of new assessments based on the provided array from the MITRE Heimdall toolpostUpdates an assessment recordputDeletes an assessmentdeleteRetrieves an assessmentgetAssetMappingFilters asset mappingsgetCreates a new asset mappingpostDeletes a mappingdeleteRetrieves an asset mappinggetRetrieves all asset mappings for a given componentgetRetrieves all component mappings for a given asset IDgetRetrieves all asset mappings for a given component IDgetAssetsRetrieves all assetsgetGets drilldown info for assets (main dashboard) chartsgetRetrieves total number of assetsgetGets data for main dashboardgetRetrieves all assets for the parent recordgetGraphs assets based on the provided column and grouping configpostGraphs assets based on the provided date rangegetFilters assets based on specified criteria and date rangespostGraphs assets based on the provided column and grouping configgetGraphs assets based on the provided column and grouping config (parent module)getGraphs asset schedule based on date rangegetRun the specified report for assetsgetFilters assets based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves all assets based on the custom field criteria providedgetCreates a new assetpostUpdates an asset recordputDeletes an assetdeleteRetrieves an assetgetAuthorizationHandles login event for ATLASpostChanges password for the userpostChanges password for the userpostChanges password for the user, Admin changepostUnlocks account, Admin changegetGets Access Logs for the UsergetGets Access Logs for the UsergetGets Access Logs for the UsergetRetrieves the user ID (GUID) for a given user namegetDetermines if the user is an LDAP usergetCasesRetrieves all casesgetRetrieves total number of casesgetRetrieves all cases for the parent recordgetGraphs cases based on the provided column and grouping configpostFilters cases based on specified criteria and date rangespostGraphs cases based on the provided date rangegetGets data for cases card on main dashboardgetGraphs complete/incomplete cases for main dashboardgetGraphs cases based on the provided column and grouping configgetGraphs cases based on the provided column and grouping config (parent module)getGraphs Cases status by date due based on date rangegetGraphs cases based on date rangegetRun the specified report for casesgetFilters cases based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves all cases based on the custom field criteria providedgetCreates a new casepostUpdates an case recordputDeletes an casedeleteRetrieves a casegetCatalogueRetrieves all cataloguesgetCreates a new cataloguepostRetrieves basic data for the catalog listgetFilters catalogues based on the specified criteriapostGraphs catalogues based on the provided column and grouping configpostConverts all controls for this catalog into mappingsgetUpdates a catalogue recordputDeletes a cataloguedeleteRetrieves an cataloguegetRetrieves an catalogue by GUIDgetRetrieves a list of catalogue titles based on ID array givenpostRetrieves catalogue data related to NIST 800-171getCategorizationRetrieves all categorizationsgetCreates a new categorizationpostRetrieves basic data for the categorization listgetFilters categorizations based on the specified criteriapostUpdates a categorization recordputArchives a categorizationdeleteRetrieves a categorizationgetRetrieves a categorization record with detailsgetRetrieves a categorization record by its namegetCategorizationAnswerRetrieves all categorization answersgetCreates a new categorization answerpostUpdates a categorization answer recordputDeletes a categorization answerdeleteRetrieves a categorization answergetRetrieves a categorization answer by its parent categorization instancegetCategorizationInfoRetrieves all categorization info typesgetCreates a new categorization info typepostUpdates a categorization info recordputDeletes a categorization info typedeleteRetrieves a categorization info typegetRetrieves a categorization info type by its parent categorization instancegetCategorizationInstanceRetrieves all categorization instancesgetCreates a new categorization instancepostUpdates a categorization instance recordputDeletes a categorization instancedeleteRetrieves a categorization instancegetRetrieves a categorization instance by its parentgetApplies the categorization engine to the selected recordpostCategorizationQuestionRetrieves all categorizationsgetCreates a new categorization questionpostRetrieves basic data for the categorization list by parentgetFilters categorization questions based on the specified criteriapostUpdates a categorization recordputArchives a categorization questiondeleteRetrieves a categorization questiongetRetrieves a categorization question by its namegetCausalAnalysisRetrieves all causal analysisgetRetrieves total causal analysis countgetRetrieves list of overdue causal analysisgetRetrieves list of causal analysis due in the month/year of the date providedgetGraphs causal analysis based on the provided column and grouping configpostGraphs causal analyses based on the provided date range and groups by strGroupBy columngetGraphs causal analyses based on the provided date rangegetFilters causal analysis based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves all causal analysis based on the custom field criteria providedgetCreates a new causal analysispostUpdates a causal analysis recordputDeletes a causal analysisdeleteGraphs complete/incomplete causals for main dashboardgetGets data for causal analysis card on main dashboardgetRetrieves a causal analysisgetRun the specified report for issuesgetGraphs Causal Analysis by due date based on date rangegetGraphs completed Causal analysis schedule based on date rangegetGraphs Causal Analysis status by date due based on date rangegetDashboard of IssuesgetCauseCodeRetrieves all cause codesgetRetrieves all cause codes for a given parent causal analysisgetRetrieves total cause code countgetCreates a new cause codepostDeletes a cause codedeleteCCIRetrieves all CCIs for a given controlgetCreates a new CCIpostRetrieves CCI data for the security control providedgetCreates a batch of new CCIs based on the provided arraypostUpdates a CCI recordputDeletes a CCIdeleteRetrieves an CCIgetClassificationTypesCreates a new classification typepostRetrieves all classification typesgetCreates a batch of new Classification Types based on the provided arraypostRetrieves classification type by idgetUpdates a classification type recordputDeletes a classification typedeleteFilters assets based on the specified criteriapostClassifiedRecordsRetrieves all classified recordsgetRetrieves all classified records for the given parent recordgetDeletes a classified recorddeleteCommentsRetrieves all comments for a parent recordgetCreates a new commentpostDeletes a commentdeleteComponentRetrieves all componentsgetRetrieves all components in a simple list viewgetRetrieves all components for a given parent security plangetRetrieves total component countgetGraphs components based on the provided column and grouping configpostGraphs security plans based on the provided date rangegetRun the specified report for policiesgetFilters components based on the specified criteriapostFilters components based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves all components based on the custom field criteria providedgetCreates a new componentpostUpdates a component recordputDeletes a componentdeleteRetrieves a componentgetRetrieves a component by unique GUIDgetRetrieves components titles, given an array of component id'sgetGets data for main dashboardgetGets data for main dashboardgetOSCAL export of a ComponentgetProvides component data for the status boardgetRetrieves child issues of component and related eMass fieldsgetComponentMappingFilters component mappingsgetCreates a new component mappingpostDeletes a mappingdeleteRetrieves an component mappinggetRetrieves all component mappings for a given componentgetRetrieves all component mappings for a given component IDgetRetrieves all security plans for a given component IDgetConditionRetrieves all conditions for a parent recordgetCreates a new ConditionpostUpdates a Condition recordputDeletes a conditiondeleteRetrieves a ConditiongetConfigUpdates a configurationputRetrieves progress in setting up the tenant for the given usergetIndexes logs for faster query performancegetDeletes logs older than a set number of daysgetUpdates the licensegetRetrieves configgetRetrieves total number of RegScale usersget/api/config/getDataDogFixturesgetControlImplementationRetrieves all security control implementationsgetRetrieves short version of all control implementationsgetRetrieves all security control implementations for a given security plangetRetrieves all security control implementations for a given parentgetRetrieves all control implementations for a given parent modulesgetRetrieves all security control implementations for a given security plan (with control details)getRetrieves all security control implementations for a given security plan (with control details)getSaves the Compliance history of a given object, notated in the create model. and save compliance history to database.postRetrieves all security control implementations with objectives for a given security plangetRetrieves all security control implementations for a given array of component IDspostRetrieves all security control implementations for a given security plangetRetrieves all security control implementations for a given security plangetGet control implementation list by parent with relates security control informationgetRetrieves all security control implementations for a given parent controlgetRetrieves all security control implementations and their parent control's relevant data for a given security plangetRetrieves all security control implementations and their parent control's relevant data for a given security plangetRetrieves all security control implementations and their parent control's relevent data for a given componentgetRetrieves all security control implementations and their parent control's relevant data for a given security plangetProvides control implementation data for exportgetRetrieves basic security control implementation data for a given security plangetRetrieves all security control implementations for a given security plan - grouped by date assessed (Month/Year)getRetrieves all security control implementations for a given parent- grouped by date assessed (Month/Year)getRetrieves all security control implementations for all assets under a componentgetGraphs controls based on the provided date rangegetRetrieves all security control implementations for a given control - grouped by date assessed (Month/Year)getRetrieves all security control implementations by status for a given parentgetRetrieves all security control implementations by status for a given parent controlgetRetrieves all security control implementations by owner for a given parent security plangetRetrieves all security control implementations by owner for a given parent controlgetRetrieves all security control implementations by last assessment result for a given parent security plangetRetrieves all security control implementations by last assessment result for a given parent controlgetRetrieves all security control implementations by process maturity level for a given parentgetRetrieves all security control implementations by practice maturity level for a given parentgetRetrieves all security control implementations by status for a given controlgetRetrieves all security control implementations by practice maturity level for a given controlgetRetrieves all security control implementations by process maturity level for a given controlgetGraphs controls based on the provided column and grouping configpostFilters controls based on the specified criteriapostFilters controls based on the specified criteriapostReturns number of controls based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves all controls based on the custom field criteria providedgetCreates a new security control implementationpostCreates a batch of new control implementations based on the provided arraypostUpdates a batch of control implementations based on the provided arraypostUpdates a security control implementation recordputDeletes a security control implementationdeleteRetrieves a security control implementationgetUpdates a security control implementation record's status and weightputGraphs issues based on the provided column and grouping config (parent module)getGraphs control implementations based on the provided column and grouping config (Control ID)getGraphs controls based on parent module and cataloguegetRetrieves all security control implementations for a given security plan, then groups by familygetGraphs CIs based on the provided Security PlangetRun the specified report for CIsgetRetrieves all controls for a given parent module and idgetRetrieves all controls for a given parent module and idgetRetrieves all controls for all assets that fall under a componentgetRetrieves all controls for all assets that fall under a componentgetGets all relevant context for a given security controlgetControlObjectiveRetrieves all objectives in the system (GetAll)getCreates a new Control ObjectivepostRetrieves objective data for the catalog providedgetRetrieves objective data for the security control providedgetRetrieves objective data for the catalogue providedgetCreates a batch of new control objectives based on the provided arraypostUpdates a security control objective recordputDeletes a control objectivedeleteRetrieves an control objectivegetControlParameterRetrieves all parameters for a given controlgetCreates a new Control ParameterpostRetrieves parameter data for the security control providedgetCreates a batch of new control parameters based on the provided arraypostUpdates a security control parameter recordputDeletes a control parameterdeleteRetrieves an control parametergetControlTestPlansRetrieves all tests for a given controlgetCreates a new Control Test PlanpostRetrieves basic test plan data for the security control providedgetCreates a batch of new control test plans based on the provided arraypostUpdates a security control test plan recordputDeletes a control test plandeleteRetrieves an control test plangetControlTestResultsRetrieves a Control Test ResultgetRetrieves a Control Test ResultgetRetrieves a List of Control Test ResultsgetCreates a new control test resultpostUpdates a test resultputDeletes a test resultdeleteControlTestsRetrieves a Control TestgetCreates a new control testpostCreates a batch of new control tests based on the provided arraypostUpdates a testputDeletes a testdeleteGets control tests by parent control implementationgetGets control tests by parent requirementgetCustomFieldsRetrieves custom fields for one modulegetRetrieves custom fields for one modulegetRetrieves required custom fields for one modulegetRetrieves custom field by idgetFilters custom fields for one modulegetUpdates a batch of custom fields based on the provided arraypostCreate a custom fieldpostUpdtes a custom fieldputUpdates the sort order using the drag and drop systempostEnable a custom fieldputRequire a custom fieldputCustomFieldsDataRetrieves custom fields for one module's recordgetUpdates a batch of custom fields based on the provided arraypostCreate a custom field data recordpostCreate a batch of custom fields from the modules custom fieldsgetCustomFieldsSelectItemsCreates custom fields select itemspostUpdates custom fields select itemsputGet custom fields select itemsgetGet custom fields select items for a requestgetEnable a custom select itemputDashboardWidgetRetrieves dashboard widgetgetDataCallsRetrieves all data callsgetRetrieves data calls for the provided user ID that aren't cancelled or completed within the number of days providedgetRetrieves total data call countgetRetrieves list of overdue data callsgetGraphs complete/incomplete data calls for main dashboardgetGets data for main dashboardgetGets data for main dashboardgetGets data for main dashboardgetCreates recurring data calls based on the criteria specifiedgetRetrieves list of data calls due in the month/year of the date providedgetGraphs data calls based on the provided column and grouping configpostGraphs data calls based on the provided date rangegetFilters data calls based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves all data calls based on the custom field criteria providedgetCreates a new data callpostUpdates a data call recordputDeletes a data calldeleteRetrieves an data callgetRun the specified report for exceptionsgetGraphs data calls by due date based on date rangegetGraphs Issues schedule based on date rangegetGraphs Issues schedule based on date rangegetDashboard of Data callsgetGraphs Data Calls schedule based on date rangegetRetrieves all Data Calls with due dates within the given date rangegetRetrieves all Data Calls with date due, date requested, or date completed within the given date rangegetDocumentEngineRetrieves child controls of SSP and related eMass fieldsgetEmailSends an emailpostSends an emailpostRetrieves the domain URL for use in email linksgetDefault address for sending ADMIN emails (i.e. to activate new users)getFilters history events by parentgetRetrieves an emailgetEventsCreates a new eventpostUpdates an event recordputDeletes an eventdeleteRetrieves an eventgetRetrieves an eventgetExceptionsRetrieves all exceptionsgetRetrieves total exception countgetRetrieves # of exceptions in an expired statusgetRetrieves all exceptions for a given parent recordgetGraphs exceptions based on number submitted/approved/expiring by monthgetRetrieves list of exceptions due in the month/year of the date providedgetGraphs exceptions based on the provided column and grouping configpostGraphs exceptions based on the provided date rangegetFilters exceptions based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves all exceptions based on the custom field criteria providedgetCreates a new exceptionpostUpdates an exception recordputDeletes an exceptiondeleteRetrieves an exceptiongetRun the specified report for exceptionsgetGraphs exceptions by expiration date based on date rangegetGets data for exceptions card on main dashboardgetDashboard of ExceptionsgetGraphs exceptions based on the provided column and grouping config (parent module)getFacilitiesRetrieves all facilitiesgetPings Google MapsgetRetrieves all facilitiesgetRetrieves all active facilitiesgetRetrieves total facility countgetProvides facility data for the status boardgetFilters facilities based on the specified criteriapostCreates a new facilitypostUpdates a facility recordputDeletes a facilitydeleteActivates or deactivates the specified facilitygetRetrieves a facilitygetRetrieves a facility by namegetFileUploadCreates a new file objectpostRetrieves a list of files for the given recordgetFilters files based on the specified criteriagetUploads the filepostDeletes a specific filedeleteDelete the unencrypted file after downloaddeleteRetrieves the file metadatagetDownloads a specific filegetGroupsCreates a new grouppostActivates a groups recordgetUpdates a groups recordputRetrieves a groupgetRetrieves all groupsgetRetrieves all groups for a given usergetFilters groups based on the specified criteriagetRetrieves all users for a given groupgetHistoryFilters history events by parentgetFilters history based on specified criteriapostCreates a new history eventpostRetrieves all history events for the specified user over the last year, grouped by month/yeargetRetrieves all history events for the specified record over the last year, grouped by month/yeargetRetrieves all history events for the specified record over the last year, grouped by hourgetRetrieves history events for the specified time period - grouped by month/yeargetRetrieves history events for the specified time period - grouped by daygetRetrieves total history events by ModulegetRetrieves total history events by event typegetRetrieves all history events for a given record, grouped by event typegetRetrieves all history events for a given record, grouped by usergetRetrieves number of edit events for a given recordgetImplementationObjectivesRetrieves all implementation objectivesgetCreates a new Implementation ObjectivepostRetrieves objective data for the control implementation providedgetRetrieves assessment data for the given control implementation + objective pairgetCreates a batch of new implementation objectives based on the provided arraypostUpdates an implementation objective recordputDeletes an implementation objectivedeleteRetrieves an implementation objectivegetMerges a control implementation's objectives with the parent catalogue defaultsgetImplementationOptionsRetrieves all implementation options in the system (GetAll)getCreates a new Implementation OptionpostRetrieves basic option data for the security control providedgetCreates a batch of new options based on the provided arraypostUpdates an implementation option recordputDeletes a implementation optiondeleteRetrieves an implementation optiongetIncidentsRetrieves all incidentsgetRetrieves total incident countgetRetrieves all incidents for the parent recordgetRetrieves short version of all incidentsgetGraphs incidents based on the provided column and grouping configpostGraphs data incidents based on the provided date rangegetGets data for main dashboardgetGraphs complete/incomplete incidents for main dashboardgetFilters incidents based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves all incidents based on the custom field criteria providedgetCreates a new incidentpostUpdates an incident recordputDeletes an incidentdeleteRetrieves an incidentgetRun the specified report for incidentsgetGraphs Incidents based on date rangegetGraphs Issues schedule based on date rangegetDashboard of IncidentsgetGraphs incidents based on the provided column and grouping config (parent module)getInheritanceCreates a new inheritance relationshippostRetrieves all inheritance recordsgetRetrieves all legacy inherited control implementationsgetRetrieves all inheritance records for the given parent recordgetRetrieves count inheritance records for the given parent recordgetRetrieves all inheritance records for the given parent record with child detailsgetDeletes a inheritance relationshipdeleteInheritedControlsRetrieves all Inherited Controls for a parent recordgetRetrieves all Inherited Controls for a given base controlgetCreates a new Inherited ControlpostCreates a batch of new inherited controls based on the provided arraypostUpdates an Inherited Control recordputDeletes an Inherited ControldeleteRetrieves an Inherited ControlgetInterconnectionsRetrieves all interconnectsgetRetrieves total interconnect countgetRetrieves all interconnects for the given parent recordgetRetrieves list of interconnects due in the month/year of the date providedgetGraphs interconnects based on the provided column and grouping configpostGraphs interconnects based on the provided date rangegetFilters interconnects based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves all interconnects based on the custom field criteria providedgetCreates a new interconnectpostUpdates an interconnect recordputDeletes an interconnectdeleteRetrieves an interconnectgetRun the specified report for interconnectionsgetGraphs Interconnects schedule based on date rangegetGets data for interconnects card on main dashboardgetGraphs interconnections based on the provided column and grouping config (parent module)getIssuesRetrieves all issuesgetRetrieves issues for provided user ID that aren't closed or cancelled within the number of days providedgetProcesses lineage for the given issue #getRetrieves total issue countgetRetrieves all issues with due dates within the given date rangegetRetrieves all issues with due dates within the given date rangegetRetrieves all issues with due dates within the given date rangegetRetrieves all issues with due dates within the given date rangegetRetrieves all issues with due dates within the given date rangegetRetrieves all issues with due dates within the given date rangegetRetrieves all issues with due dates within the given date rangegetRetrieves all issues closed within the given date rangegetRetrieves all issues where the provided integration field is populatedgetRetrieves short version of all issuesgetRetrieves all issues for the given parent recordgetRetrieves all issues for the given grandparent recordgetRetrieves all issues based on the custom field criteria providedgetProvides issue timeline data for the given parentgetRetrieves list of issues due in the month/year of the date providedgetGraphs issues based on the provided column and grouping configpostGraphs issues based on the provided date rangegetFilters issues based on the specified criteriapostCreates a new issuepostUpdates an issue recordputDeletes an issuedeleteRetrieves an issuegetRetrieves child issues of component and related eMass fieldsgetRetrieves child issues of security plan, and related eMass fieldsgetRetrieves the issuegetRetrieves the issuegetRetrieves the issuegetRetrieves the issuegetRetrieves the issuegetRetrieves the issue by using the Microsoft Defender 365 Recommendation IDgetRetrieves the issue by using the Microsoft Defender 365 Alert IDgetRetrieves the issue by using the Microsoft Defender for Cloud IDgetRun the specified report for issuesgetGraphs Issues schedule based on date rangegetGraphs Issues schedule based on date rangegetGraphs Issues schedule based on date rangegetGraphs Issues schedule based on date rangegetGraphs Issues schedule based on date rangegetGraphs Issues schedule based on date rangegetGraphs Issues schedule based on date rangegetDashboard of IssuesgetGets drill down info for issues (main dashboard) chartsgetGets data for main dashboardgetGraphs complete/incomplete incidents for main dashboardgetGraphs issues based on the provided column and grouping config (parent module)getLdapHandles LDAP login event for ATLASpostGet list of members of the Atlas AD groupgetSync members of the Atlas AD groupgetDeletes or deactives at LDAP usersgetLinksRetrieves all links for the given parent recordgetRetrieves all links for the given parent recordgetCreates a new linkpostUpdates a link recordputDeletes a linkdeleteLogEventFilters logs based on the specified criteriagetMappingRetrieves a specific mapping (combination of mapping ID and control ID)getRetrieves all mapped controls for a given controlgetRetrieves all mapped controls for a given controlgetRetrieves all mapped controls for a given cataloguegetCreates a new mappingpostDeletes a control mappingdeleteMasterAssessmentsRetrieves a Master AssessmentgetRetrieves an "In Progress" master assessment for a given parentgetRetrieves a "Complete" master assessment for a given parentgetRetrieves all assessments related to the specified master assessmentgetCreates a new master assessmentpostUpdates a master assessmentputDeletes a master assessmentdeleteMetadataRetrieves all metadatagetFilters metadata based on the specified criteriagetCreates a new metadata recordpostRetrieves all metadata by module and fieldgetActivates or deactivates a metadata recordgetUpdates a metadata recordputDeletes a metadata recorddeleteRetrieves a metadata recordgetMilestoneRetrieves all milestones for a parent recordgetCreates a new MilestonepostUpdates a Milestone recordputDeletes a milestonedeleteRetrieves a MilestonegetMitigationFilters mitigationsgetCreates a new mitigationpostUpdates a mitigationputDeletes a mitigationdeleteRetrieves a mitigationgetRetrieves all risk/control mappings for a given controlgetRetrieves all threat mappings for a given risk IDgetRetrieves all risk mappings for a given control IDgetOrganizationRetrieves all organizationsgetRetrieves all OrgsgetRetrieves all active organizationsgetRetrieves total organization countgetFilters organizations based on the specified criteriapostCreates a new organizationpostUpdates an organization recordputDeletes an organizationdeleteActivates or deactivates the specified organizationgetRetrieves an organizationgetRetrieves an organization by namegetOscalNamespaceMappingCreates a new classified recordpostRetrieves all oscal namespace mappings to parametersgetCreates a batch of namespace datapostRetrieves all oscal namespaces mapped to a parametergetDeletes an oscal namespace/parameter mappingdeleteOscalNamespacesUpdates a testputArchives an OSCAL NamespacedeleteRetrieves an oscal namespacegetParameterRetrieves all parametersgetRetrieves all parameters for a given parent control implementationgetRetrieves total parameter countgetCreates a new parameterpostUpdates a parameter recordputDeletes a parameterdeleteRetrieves a parametergetRetrieves a parameter by unique GUIDgetMerges a control implementation's parameters with the parent catalogue defaultsgetPoliciesRetrieves all policiesgetRetrieves a list of policies with minimal datagetRetrieves total policy countgetRetrieves all policies for the given parent recordgetRetrieves list of policies due in the month/year of the date providedgetProvides policy data for the status boardgetGraphs policies based on the provided column and grouping configpostRetrieves task/issue data required for gantt chartgetGraphs policies based on the provided date rangegetGets data for policies card on main dashboardgetDashboard of PoliciesgetRun the specified report for policiesgetGraphs policies schedule based on date rangegetFilters policies based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves all policies based on the custom field criteria providedgetCreates a new policypostUpdates a policy recordputDeletes a policydeleteRetrieves a policygetPortsProtocolsRetrieves all ports and protocolsgetRetrieves all ports and protocols for a given parent recordgetUpdates a ports and protocols recordputDeletes a ports/protocoldeleteRetrieves a port and protocolgetPostsFilters history based on specified criteriapostFilters history based on specified criteriapostFilters history based on specified criteriapostRetrieves filtered News Feed postspostRetrieves a News Feed PostpostRetrieves a News Feed PostpostRetrieves most recent news Feed PostgetRetrieves a News Feed PostgetCreates a new News PostpostAttempts to send a test messagegetRetrieves News Feed posts over the specified number of days, grouped by Month/YearpostShows News Feed counts grouped by modulegetProfileLinksCreates a new profile mappingpostRetrieves all security profilesgetDeletes a security profile linkdeleteRetrieves all profiles linked to any module with a builder module options: security plan, component, policy, projects, supply chaingetProfileMappingRetrieves all security profile mappingsgetRetrieves a specific security profile mappinggetRetrieves all mappings for a given profilegetRetrieves all catalogs imported for a given profilegetCreates a new profile mappingpostCreates a batch of new profile mappings based on the provided arraypostUpdates a profile mapping recordputDeletes a profile mappingdeleteRetrieves a profile mappinggetCreates a batch of new profile mappings based on the provided arraypostDeletes a profile mapping - with control and profile IDs to find the mappingdeleteProfilesRetrieves all security profilesgetRetrieves basic data for the profilesgetRetrieves profiles with their controlspostRetrieves total security profile countgetGraphs security profiles based on the provided column and grouping configpostApplies a specific profile to a RegScale record based on the ID and Module key value pairpostFilters security profiles based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves all profiles based on the custom field criteria providedgetCreates a new security profilepostUpdates a security profile recordputDeletes a security profiledeleteRetrieves a security profilegetRetrieves a security profilegetProjectsRetrieves all projectsgetRetrieves list of projects due in the month/year of the date providedgetRetrieves task/issue data required for gantt chartgetProvides project data for the status boardgetGraphs projects based on the provided column and grouping configpostGraphs projects based on the provided date rangegetFilters projects based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves all projects based on the custom field criteria providedgetCreates a new projectpostUpdates a project recordputDeletes a projectdeleteRetrieves a projectgetRun the specified report for projectsgetGraphs Projects schedule based on date rangegetDashboard of ProjectsgetGets data for causal analysis card on main dashboardgetGraphs complete/incomplete projects for main dashboardgetPropertiesRetrieves all properties for the given parent recordgetCreates a new propertypostCreates a batch of new properties based on the provided arraypostUpdates a property recordputDeletes a propertydeletePushNotifications/api/pushNotifications/sendpostCreates a new push notificationpostRetrieves a push notification by IDgetRetrieves total count of unread notifications by usergetRetrieves unread notifications by usergetRetrieves unread notifications by user and typegetDismisses a notificationgetDismisses all notifications of a certain type for a given usergetQueryRetrieves all reports for the user for a given modulegetCreates a new querypostRetrieves a query and parametersgetDeletes a query and parametersdeleteQuestionnaireRetrieves all questionnairesgetRetrieves total questionnaire countgetGraphs questionnaires based on the provided column and grouping configpostGraphs questionnaires based on the provided date rangegetFilters questionnaires based on the specified criteriapostCreates a new questionnairepostUpdates a questionnaire recordputDeletes a questionnairedeleteRetrieves a questionnairegetRbacGet RBAC records for a module recordgetAdds an module record's RBAC recordgetDeletes a module record's RBAC recorddeleteSets a parent's isPublic valuegetGets RBAC detail about a recordgetReferencesRetrieves all references for a parent recordgetCreates a new referencepostUpdates a Reference recordputDeletes a referencedeleteRetrieves a ReferencegetRelationshipFilters relationship events by base idgetCreates a new relationshippostUpdates a relationshipputDeletes a relationshipdeleteRetrieves a relationshipgetRetrieves a relationship by base ID and related IDgetRetrieves list of ID's related to an issue (base ID)getRetrieves list of ID's related to an issuegetRequirementRetrieves all requirementsgetRetrieves all requirements for a given parentgetRetrieves all requirements and their parent control's relevant data for a given policygetRetrieves basic requirement data for a given parentgetGraphs assessments based on the provided column and grouping configpostGraphs requirements based on the provided date rangegetGraphs Issues schedule based on date range Graphs Issues schedule based on date rangegetGraphs issues based on the provided column and grouping config (parent module)getFilters requirements based on the specified criteriapostFilters controls based on the specified criteriapostReturns number of controls based on the specified criteriapostProvides data for the requirements scorecardgetRetrieves all requirements based on the custom field criteria providedgetCreates a new requirementpostUpdates a requirement recordputDeletes a requirementdeleteRetrieves a requirementgetRun the specified report for interconnectionsgetGets data for requirements card on main dashboardgetCreates a batch of new requirements based on the provided arraypostRiskRetrieves all risksgetProcesses lineage for the given risk #getRetrieves all risks for the given parent recordgetRetrieves all risks for the given grandparent recordgetRetrieves open risks for the given parent module typegetRetrieves short version of all risksgetProvides risk data for the status boardgetGraphs risks based on the provided column and grouping configpostGraphs risks based on the provided date rangegetGraphs Risks schedule based on date rangegetFilters risks based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves all risks based on the custom field criteria providedgetCreates a new riskpostUpdates a risk recordputDeletes a riskdeleteRetrieves a riskgetRun the specified report for risksgetGraphs Risks schedule based on date rangegetDashboard of RisksgetGets data for risks card on main dashboardgetGraphs complete/incomplete risks for main dashboardgetGraphs risks based on the provided column and grouping config (parent module)getRiskIncidentMappingFilters risk incident mappingsgetCreates a new risk/incident mappingpostDeletes a mappingdeleteRetrieves a risk/incident mappinggetRetrieves all risk/incident mappings for a given componentgetRetrieves all incident mappings for a given risk IDgetRetrieves all risk mappings for a given incident IDgetRiskIssueMappingFilters risk issue mappingsgetCreates a new risk/issue mappingpostDeletes a mappingdeleteRetrieves a risk/issue mappinggetRetrieves all risk/issue mappings for a given componentgetRetrieves all issue mappings for a given risk IDgetRetrieves all risk mappings for a given issue IDgetRiskThreatMappingFilters risk threat mappingsgetCreates a new risk/threat mappingpostDeletes a mappingdeleteRetrieves a risk/threat mappinggetRetrieves all risk/threat mappings for a given threatgetRetrieves all threat mappings for a given risk IDgetRetrieves all risk mappings for a given threat IDgetRiskTrendRetrieves all risk trendsgetRetrieves all trends for a given parent riskgetRetrieves total risk trend countgetCreates a new risk trendpostUpdates a risk trend recordputDeletes a risk trenddeleteRetrieves a risk trendgetRetrieves a risk trend by unique GUIDgetSBOMRetrieves all SBOM recordsgetRetrieves all SBOM records for a given parentgetRetrieves total SBOM countgetFilters SBOMs based on the specified criteriagetCreates a new SBOM recordpostRetrieves a SBOM recordgetRetrieves a SBOM by unique GUIDgetDeletes a SBOMdeleteScanHistoryRetrieves all scan historygetRetrieves all scan history for a given parentgetRetrieves total scan countgetRetrieves scan results for the provided recordgetFilters scans based on the specified criteriagetCreates a new scanpostRetrieves a scangetRetrieves a scan by unique GUIDgetScraper/api/supplyChainRisk/getAllgetProcesses violations and risk data for suppliersgetProcesses violations and risk data for suppliersgetSecurityControlRetrieves all security controlsgetCreates a new security controlpostRetrieves basic data for the catalog providedgetRetrieves basic data for the catalog providedgetGraphs security controls based on the provided column and grouping configpostFilters datacalls based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves basic data for the catalog provided w/o the control type filter allows all controlsgetRetrieves basic data for the catalog providedgetFilters security controls based on the cataloguegetFilters security controls based on the catalogue (with all details provided)getFilters security controls based on the catalogue (with all details provided)getFilters security controls based on the catalogue and familygetCreates a batch of new security controls based on the provided arraypostUpdates a security control recordputDeletes a security controldeleteRetrieves a security controlgetRetrieves a security controlgetLooks up a control by its unique, business-friendly IDgetBatch converts all catalogs to set the sort ID for security controlsgetSecurityPlanRetrieves task/issue data required for gantt chartgetCreates a new security planpostUpdates a security plan recordputDeletes a security plandeleteUpdates a security plan System Nameget/api/securityplans/getCountgetRetrieves # of security plans that have expiredgetRetrieves a security plangetRetrieves the security Plan by Wiz Project IDgetRetrieves the security Plan by ServiceNow Assignment GroupgetRetrieves the security Plan by Tenable Asset GroupgetRetrieves the security Plan by Jira ProjectgetDashboard of Security PlansgetRun the specified report for policiesgetGraphs policies schedule based on date rangegetGraphs security plans and groups them by status (approved, submitted, expired)getRetrieves child issues of SSP and related eMass fieldsget/api/securityplans/mainDashboard/{intYear}getGraphs security plans based on the provided column and grouping configpost/api/securityplans/graphByDate/{strGroupBy}/{year}get/api/securityplans/userOpenItemsDays/{strUserId}/{intDays}getRetrieves all security plansgetRetrieves a list of security plans with minimal datagetRetrieves all security plans based on the custom field criteria providedgetFilters security plans based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves list of security plans due in the month/year of the date providedgetProvides security plan data for exportgetRetrieves a list of inheritable security plans with minimal datagetProvides security plan data for the status boardget/api/securityplans/megaAPI/{intId}getServiceAccountRetrieves all service accountsgetRetrieves total service account countgetFilters service accounts based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves a specific service accountgetCreates a new service accountpostStakeholdersRetrieves all stakeholdersgetRetrieves total stakeholder countgetRetrieves all stakeholders for the given parent recordgetCreates a new stakeholderpostUpdates a stakeholder recordputDeletes a stakeholderdeleteRetrieves a stakeholdergetSupplyChainRetrieves all supply chain recordsgetRetrieves total number of supply chain recordsgetRetrieves all supply chain records for the parent recordgetGraphs supply chain records based on the provided column and grouping configpostGraphs supply chains based on the provided date rangegetGraphs supply chains based on number beginning/ending by monthgetGraphs supply chains based on the provided date rangegetRetrieves task/issue data required for gantt chartgetFilters supply chain records based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves all supply chain based on the custom field criteria providedgetProvides supply chain data for the status boardgetCreates a new supply chain recordpostUpdates a supply chain recordputDeletes a supply chain recorddeleteRetrieves a supply chain recordgetGets data for causal analysis card on main dashboardgetDashboard of Supply ChaingetRun the specified report for supply chaingetGraphs supply chain schedule based on date rangegetTaskRetrieves all tasksgetRetrieves all tasks that aren't cancelled or closed for the given user within the number of days providedgetRetrieves all tasks for the given parent recordgetCreates recurring tasks based on the criteria specifiedgetGets data for main dashboardgetRetrieves list of tasks due in the month/year of the date providedgetGraphs tasks based on the provided column and grouping configpostGraphs tasks based on the provided date rangegetFilters tasks based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves all tasks based on the custom field criteria providedgetCreates a new taskpostUpdates a task recordputDeletes a taskdeleteRetrieves a taskgetRun the specified report for issuesgetGraphs Issues schedule based on date rangegetGraphs Issues schedule based on date rangegetDashboard of IssuesgetGraphs Tasks schedule based on date rangegetRetrieves all Tasks with due dates within the given date rangegetRetrieves all tasks with planned start, planned finish, or actual finish within the given date rangegetTeamsRetrieves all Teams for a parent recordgetCreates a new TeampostUpdates a Team recordputDeletes a teamdeleteRetrieves a TeamgetTenantRetrieves the application license keygetRetrieves the application domaingetThreadsRetrieves all threads for the given parent recordgetCreates a new threadpostThreatsRetrieves all threadsgetRetrieves total threat countgetRetrieves all threats for the given parent recordgetRetrieves short version of all threatsgetRetrieves short version of all threats by parent modulegetGraphs threats based on the provided column and grouping configpostGraphs threats based on the provided date rangegetFilters threats based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves all threats based on the custom field criteria providedgetCreates a new threatpostUpdates a threat recordputDeletes a threatdeleteRetrieves a threatgetRun the specified report for issuesgetGraphs Issues schedule based on date rangegetGets data for threats card on main dashboardgetGraphs complete/incomplete threats for main dashboardgetDashboard of IssuesgetGraphs threats based on the provided column and grouping config (parent module)getTimeTravelRetrieves all Time Travel records for the given parent recordgetChecks the MD5getToolsRetrieves all tools for a parent recordgetCreates a new ToolpostUpdates a Tool recordputDeletes a tooldeleteRetrieves a ToolgetUserGroupsCreates a new user grouppostRetrieves all user groupsgetUpdates a groups recordputRetrieves a groupgetDeletes user groupdeleteFilters user groups based on the specified criteriagetVolpeAuthorizes RegScale to communicate with the specified Volpe tenant (setup in the Admin panel->Integrations)getRetrieves the system list in VITG for your organizationgetRetrieves the document list in VITG for a given systemgetSubmits a system security plan to VITG for processingpostVulnerabilityRetrieves all vulnerabilitiesgetRetrieves all vulnerabilities for a given scangetRetrieves total vulnerability countgetCreates a new vulnerabilitypostRetrieves a vulnerabilitygetRetrieves a vulnerability by unique GUIDgetRetrieves list of vulnerabilities based on filtering parametersgetWorkflowInstanceRetrieves all workflow instancesgetFilters workflow instance steps by their module instance that created the workflowgetRetrieves total workflow instances countgetRetrieves # of active workflow instancesgetRetrieves total workflow instances by statusgetRetrieves open workflows for the provided user that were started within the provided days before today's dategetFilters workflow instances based on the specified criteriagetFilters workflow instances by usergetApprove workflow stepputUpdates a workflow instance recordputCreate workflow instance from modulepostReject workflow stepputCreate workflow instance from templatepostCreates a new workflow instancepostUpdates a workflow instance recordputDeletes a workflow instancedeleteRetrieves a workflow instancegetWorkflowInstanceStepsRetrieves all workflow instance steps for the provided workflow instancegetFilters workflow instance steps by their parentgetCreates a new workflow instance steppostUpdates a workflow instance step recordputRetrieves a workflow instance stepgetWorkflowTemplateRetrieves all workflow templatesgetRetrieves total count of workflow templatesgetRetrieves workflow templates by the given modulegetFilters workflow templates based on the specified criteriagetCreates a new workflow templatepostUpdates a workflow template recordputRetrieves a workflow template by workflow template IDgetWorkflowTemplateStepsRetrieves all workflow template steps for the provided workflow templategetFilters workflow template steps by their parentgetCreates a new workflow template steppostUpdates a workflow template step recordputRemoves a workflow template step record and updates the templateputReorders a workflow template's stepspostRetrieves a workflow template stepgetPowered by Retrieves a Conditionget https://example.com/api/conditions/{intID}Log in to see full request historyURL ExpiredThe URL for this request expired after 30 days.Path ParamsintIDint32requiredCondition #Response 200SuccessUpdated almost 2 years ago Deletes a conditionConfigDid this page help you?YesNo