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NIST Control Sort

This CLI feature will sort a catalog's controls in RegScale to match ASCII order sorting.

NIST Control Sort CLI

This CLI feature will sort a catalog's controls in RegScale to match ASCII order sorting.

  • sort_control_ids - Allows the user to sort a RegScale catalog's control IDs to match ASCII ordered sorting

NIST Catalog Control Sorting Integration Workflow

  1. Use the login command to get a new RegScale token
  2. Execute the sort_control_ids command with the catalog ID number from RegScale

Example Commands

Log into RegScale to set the token, which is good for 24 hours, and will secure all future RegScale API calls. (NOTE: You can skip this step if you are using a RegScale Service Account.)

  • regscale login

Enter the parameters below with your information

  • sort_control_ids - Allows the user to sort a RegScale catalog's control IDs to match ASCII ordered sorting
    • --catalog_id - The RegScale catalog ID number

Command Example

regscale nist sort_control_ids --catalog_id 9