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This CLI feature allows the user to populate an eMASS formatted excel workbook with controls and the control's assessment data from a RegScale System Security Plan (SSP) into an Excel. This Excel workbook can then be uploaded to eMASS to update an SSP in eMASS.

  • populate_controls - Populates the provided Excel workbook with controls and the control's assessment data using the RegScale SSP number ID provided
  • get_template - Downloads the expected template to populate the data during populate_controls

eMASS Workflow

  1. Get a new RegScale token using the login command
    1. Unless you are using a RegScale Service Account
  2. Use the populate_controls command and follow the prompts in the RegScale CLI.

Example Commands

Log into RegScale to set the token, which is good for 24 hours, and will secure all future RegScale API calls. (NOTE: You can skip this step if you are using a RegScale Service Account.)

  • regscale login

Enter the parameters below with your information

  • populate_controls - Populates the provided Excel workbook with controls and the control's assessment data using the RegScale SSP number ID provided
    • --file_name - The path to the eMASS formatted Excel document. This format should match the format in the template ()
    • --regscale_id - The number ID of the System Security Plan in RegScale to populate the template
  • get_template - Downloads the expected template to populate the data during populate_controls


Here is an example of the eMASS formatted excel document for controls: eMASS Control Tempalte.xlsx