JUMP TORegScale API DocumentationAccountsCreates a new ATLAS user. Leverages the default .NET Core Identity and extends it with custom fields for ATLAS.postUpdates the ATLAS user profileputRetrieves a list of all activated users in the systemgetResets the cachegetCreates new ATLAS users.postCreates new RegScale users based on Azure AD account groupspostAdds the specified user to the specified rolepostChecks to see if the specified user has the specified rolegetDeletes the specified role for this userdeleteRetrieves a list of all activated users in the systemgetRetrieves a list of all activated users in the systemgetRetrieves users by tenant based on whether or not they receive email notificationsgetRetrieves a list of all activated users in the system by tenantgetFilters users based on the specified criteriagetFilters users based on the role providedgetActivates or deactivates the specified usergetRetrieves the user based on the provided user namegetRetrieves the user by their ATLAS User IDgetRetrieves the list of available ATLAS rolesgetRetrieves all roles for the specified usergetChanges the user's profile picturepostAggregatorRetrieves all subsystem record counts for the given parent recordgetRetrieves all child record counts for the given parent recordgetRetrieves a specific security plan statusboardgetRetrieves a specific component statusboardgetRetrieves a specific supply chain statusboardgetRetrieves a specific policy statusboardgetRetrieves a specific project statusboardgetAssessmentRetrieves all assessmentsgetRetrieves list of assessments for a user that aren't cancelled or completed within the number of days providedgetRetrieves all assessments for the given parent recordgetRetrieves all assessments for the given grandparent recordgetRetrieves all assessments for the given master assessmentgetRetrieves total assessment countgetCreates recurring assessments based on the criteria specifiedgetProcesses lineage for the given assessment #getGets the last and next upcoming assessmentgetProvides assessment timeline data for the given parentgetRetrieves list of assessments due in the month/year of the date providedgetGraphs assessments based on the provided column and grouping configpostGraphs assessments based on the provided column and grouping configgetGraphs assessment schedule based on date range and the field specifiedgetRetrieves all assessments with planned start, planned finish, or actual finish within the given date rangegetRetrieves all assessments with due dates within the given date range that are not completegetRetrieves all assessments completed within the given date rangegetGroup by owner then status based on date rangegetGroup by owner then status based on date rangegetGroup by owner then status based on date rangegetGroup by owner then status based on date rangegetGets data for main dashboardgetGets data for main dashboardgetGets data for main dashboardgetGets data for main dashboardgetGraphs assessments by due date, shows on time and lategetGraphs assessments by due date and status, shows statuses of not late, and shows late if lategetRun the specified report for assessmentsgetRetrieves all assessments based on the custom field criteria providedgetFilters assessments based on the specified criteriapostCreates a new assessmentpostCreates a new assessmentpostCreates a batch of new assessments based on the provided array from the MITRE Heimdall toolpostUpdates an assessment recordputDeletes an assessmentdeleteRetrieves an assessmentgetAssetMappingFilters asset mappingsgetCreates a new asset mappingpostDeletes a mappingdeleteRetrieves an asset mappinggetRetrieves all asset mappings for a given componentgetRetrieves all component mappings for a given asset IDgetRetrieves all asset mappings for a given component IDgetAssetsRetrieves all assetsgetGets drilldown info for assets (main dashboard) chartsgetRetrieves total number of assetsgetGets data for main dashboardgetRetrieves all assets for the parent recordgetGraphs assets based on the provided column and grouping configpostGraphs assets based on the provided date rangegetFilters assets based on specified criteria and date rangespostGraphs assets based on the provided column and grouping configgetGraphs assets based on the provided column and grouping config (parent module)getGraphs asset schedule based on date rangegetRun the specified report for assetsgetFilters assets based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves all assets based on the custom field criteria providedgetCreates a new assetpostUpdates an asset recordputDeletes an assetdeleteRetrieves an assetgetAuthorizationHandles login event for ATLASpostChanges password for the userpostChanges password for the userpostChanges password for the user, Admin changepostUnlocks account, Admin changegetGets Access Logs for the UsergetGets Access Logs for the UsergetGets Access Logs for the UsergetRetrieves the user ID (GUID) for a given user namegetDetermines if the user is an LDAP usergetCasesRetrieves all casesgetRetrieves total number of casesgetRetrieves all cases for the parent recordgetGraphs cases based on the provided column and grouping configpostFilters cases based on specified criteria and date rangespostGraphs cases based on the provided date rangegetGets data for cases card on main dashboardgetGraphs complete/incomplete cases for main dashboardgetGraphs cases based on the provided column and grouping configgetGraphs cases based on the provided column and grouping config (parent module)getGraphs Cases status by date due based on date rangegetGraphs cases based on date rangegetRun the specified report for casesgetFilters cases based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves all cases based on the custom field criteria providedgetCreates a new casepostUpdates an case recordputDeletes an casedeleteRetrieves a casegetCatalogueRetrieves all cataloguesgetCreates a new cataloguepostRetrieves basic data for the catalog listgetFilters catalogues based on the specified criteriapostGraphs catalogues based on the provided column and grouping configpostConverts all controls for this catalog into mappingsgetUpdates a catalogue recordputDeletes a cataloguedeleteRetrieves an cataloguegetRetrieves an catalogue by GUIDgetRetrieves a list of catalogue titles based on ID array givenpostRetrieves catalogue data related to NIST 800-171getCategorizationRetrieves all categorizationsgetCreates a new categorizationpostRetrieves basic data for the categorization listgetFilters categorizations based on the specified criteriapostUpdates a categorization recordputArchives a categorizationdeleteRetrieves a categorizationgetRetrieves a categorization record with detailsgetRetrieves a categorization record by its namegetCategorizationAnswerRetrieves all categorization answersgetCreates a new categorization answerpostUpdates a categorization answer recordputDeletes a categorization answerdeleteRetrieves a categorization answergetRetrieves a categorization answer by its parent categorization instancegetCategorizationInfoRetrieves all categorization info typesgetCreates a new categorization info typepostUpdates a categorization info recordputDeletes a categorization info typedeleteRetrieves a categorization info typegetRetrieves a categorization info type by its parent categorization instancegetCategorizationInstanceRetrieves all categorization instancesgetCreates a new categorization instancepostUpdates a categorization instance recordputDeletes a categorization instancedeleteRetrieves a categorization instancegetRetrieves a categorization instance by its parentgetApplies the categorization engine to the selected recordpostCategorizationQuestionRetrieves all categorizationsgetCreates a new categorization questionpostRetrieves basic data for the categorization list by parentgetFilters categorization questions based on the specified criteriapostUpdates a categorization recordputArchives a categorization questiondeleteRetrieves a categorization questiongetRetrieves a categorization question by its namegetCausalAnalysisRetrieves all causal analysisgetRetrieves total causal analysis countgetRetrieves list of overdue causal analysisgetRetrieves list of causal analysis due in the month/year of the date providedgetGraphs causal analysis based on the provided column and grouping configpostGraphs causal analyses based on the provided date range and groups by strGroupBy columngetGraphs causal analyses based on the provided date rangegetFilters causal analysis based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves all causal analysis based on the custom field criteria providedgetCreates a new causal analysispostUpdates a causal analysis recordputDeletes a causal analysisdeleteGraphs complete/incomplete causals for main dashboardgetGets data for causal analysis card on main dashboardgetRetrieves a causal analysisgetRun the specified report for issuesgetGraphs Causal Analysis by due date based on date rangegetGraphs completed Causal analysis schedule based on date rangegetGraphs Causal Analysis status by date due based on date rangegetDashboard of IssuesgetCauseCodeRetrieves all cause codesgetRetrieves all cause codes for a given parent causal analysisgetRetrieves total cause code countgetCreates a new cause codepostDeletes a cause codedeleteCCIRetrieves all CCIs for a given controlgetCreates a new CCIpostRetrieves CCI data for the security control providedgetCreates a batch of new CCIs based on the provided arraypostUpdates a CCI recordputDeletes a CCIdeleteRetrieves an CCIgetClassificationTypesCreates a new classification typepostRetrieves all classification typesgetCreates a batch of new Classification Types based on the provided arraypostRetrieves classification type by idgetUpdates a classification type recordputDeletes a classification typedeleteFilters assets based on the specified criteriapostClassifiedRecordsRetrieves all classified recordsgetRetrieves all classified records for the given parent recordgetDeletes a classified recorddeleteCommentsRetrieves all comments for a parent recordgetCreates a new commentpostDeletes a commentdeleteComponentRetrieves all componentsgetRetrieves all components in a simple list viewgetRetrieves all components for a given parent security plangetRetrieves total component countgetGraphs components based on the provided column and grouping configpostGraphs security plans based on the provided date rangegetRun the specified report for policiesgetFilters components based on the specified criteriapostFilters components based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves all components based on the custom field criteria providedgetCreates a new componentpostUpdates a component recordputDeletes a componentdeleteRetrieves a componentgetRetrieves a component by unique GUIDgetRetrieves components titles, given an array of component id'sgetGets data for main dashboardgetGets data for main dashboardgetOSCAL export of a ComponentgetProvides component data for the status boardgetRetrieves child issues of component and related eMass fieldsgetComponentMappingFilters component mappingsgetCreates a new component mappingpostDeletes a mappingdeleteRetrieves an component mappinggetRetrieves all component mappings for a given componentgetRetrieves all component mappings for a given component IDgetRetrieves all security plans for a given component IDgetConditionRetrieves all conditions for a parent recordgetCreates a new ConditionpostUpdates a Condition recordputDeletes a conditiondeleteRetrieves a ConditiongetConfigUpdates a configurationputRetrieves progress in setting up the tenant for the given usergetIndexes logs for faster query performancegetDeletes logs older than a set number of daysgetUpdates the licensegetRetrieves configgetRetrieves total number of RegScale usersget/api/config/getDataDogFixturesgetControlImplementationRetrieves all security control implementationsgetRetrieves short version of all control implementationsgetRetrieves all security control implementations for a given security plangetRetrieves all security control implementations for a given parentgetRetrieves all control implementations for a given parent modulesgetRetrieves all security control implementations for a given security plan (with control details)getRetrieves all security control implementations for a given security plan (with control details)getSaves the Compliance history of a given object, notated in the create model. and save compliance history to database.postRetrieves all security control implementations with objectives for a given security plangetRetrieves all security control implementations for a given array of component IDspostRetrieves all security control implementations for a given security plangetRetrieves all security control implementations for a given security plangetGet control implementation list by parent with relates security control informationgetRetrieves all security control implementations for a given parent controlgetRetrieves all security control implementations and their parent control's relevant data for a given security plangetRetrieves all security control implementations and their parent control's relevant data for a given security plangetRetrieves all security control implementations and their parent control's relevent data for a given componentgetRetrieves all security control implementations and their parent control's relevant data for a given security plangetProvides control implementation data for exportgetRetrieves basic security control implementation data for a given security plangetRetrieves all security control implementations for a given security plan - grouped by date assessed (Month/Year)getRetrieves all security control implementations for a given parent- grouped by date assessed (Month/Year)getRetrieves all security control implementations for all assets under a componentgetGraphs controls based on the provided date rangegetRetrieves all security control implementations for a given control - grouped by date assessed (Month/Year)getRetrieves all security control implementations by status for a given parentgetRetrieves all security control implementations by status for a given parent controlgetRetrieves all security control implementations by owner for a given parent security plangetRetrieves all security control implementations by owner for a given parent controlgetRetrieves all security control implementations by last assessment result for a given parent security plangetRetrieves all security control implementations by last assessment result for a given parent controlgetRetrieves all security control implementations by process maturity level for a given parentgetRetrieves all security control implementations by practice maturity level for a given parentgetRetrieves all security control implementations by status for a given controlgetRetrieves all security control implementations by practice maturity level for a given controlgetRetrieves all security control implementations by process maturity level for a given controlgetGraphs controls based on the provided column and grouping configpostFilters controls based on the specified criteriapostFilters controls based on the specified criteriapostReturns number of controls based on the specified criteriapostRetrieves all controls based on the custom field criteria providedgetCreates a new security control implementationpostCreates a batch of new control implementations based on the provided arraypostUpdates a batch of control implementations based on the provided arraypostUpdates a security control implementation recordputDeletes a security control implementationdeleteRetrieves a security control implementationgetUpdates a security control implementation record's status and weightputGraphs issues based on the provided column and grouping config (parent module)getGraphs control implementations based on the provided column and grouping config (Control ID)getGraphs controls based on parent module and cataloguegetRetrieves all security control implementations for a given security plan, then groups by familygetGraphs CIs based on the provided Security PlangetRun the specified report for CIsgetRetrieves all controls for a given parent module and idgetRetrieves all controls for a given parent module and idgetRetrieves all controls for all assets that fall under a componentget