## RegScale FedRAMP CLI
The FedRAMP (Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program) CLI command is used to bulk-process and load OSCAL formatted JSON files into RegScale. It serves the following purposes:
Performs bulk loading of data via the command line
Allows for scripting the loading of many files in batch
Avoids the need to custom code FedRAMP file loading into RegScale via APIs
NOTE: The SSP word importer uses [pandoc](πο»Ώ) See link for installing prior to running the import.
### **Load an OSCAL (XML) formatted Security Plan**
Usage: `regscale fedramp import_ssp_xml --file-path ./very_important_fedramp_ssp.xml --catalogue_id 5
NOTE: This command works for both rev4 and rev5 versions of OSCAL system security plans.
A list of parameters available:
` or `-f
` - a path to the file for the OSCAL SSP you are creating. # Required`
` or `-c
` - the id of the RegScale catalog corresponding to the Security Plan to be imported
### **Load an MS Word Formatted SSP and Appendix A**
Import a FedRAMP Security Plan and associated Appendix A (control implementations)
Usage: `regscale fedramp import_docx --file_path './path/to/yourSSP.docx'
A list of parameters available:
` or `-f
` - a path to the file for the SSP you are creating. # Required`
` or `-a
` - a path to the file for the Appendix A of the SSP you are creating. # Required`
` or `-pn
` - the name of the RegScale profile to use.`
` or `-p
` - the id of the RegScale profile to use.`
` - True|False Will add controls that are in the security plan but not in the profile. Defaults to False`
` - True|False Will save the data as a json file. Defaults to False`
` or `-rev
` - the version of the fedramp template: [4 | 5 | rev4 | rev5]
### **Load an MS Word Formatted Appendix A**
Import a rev 5 FedRAMP Appendix A (control implementations) into an existing RegScale Security Plan record
Usage: `regscale fedramp import_appendix_a --appendix_a_file_path './path/to/yourAppendixA.docx'
A list of parameters available:
` or `-a
` - a path to the file for the Appendix A of the SSP you are creating. # Required`
` or `-p
` - the ID of the RegScale profile to use.`
` - True|False Will add controls that are in the security plan but not in the profile. Defaults to False`
` or `-i
` - id of the RegScale security plan to which to associate the Appendix A information # Required
### **Load an MS Excel Formatted CIS/CRM**
Usage: `regscale fedramp import_cis_crm --file_path './path/to/yourCISCRM.xlsx'
A list of all parameters available:
` or `-f
` - path to the file for the cis\\crm #Required`
` or `-crm
`- name of the sheet within the excel workbook containing the crm information #Required`
` or `-cis
`- name of the sheet within the excel workbook containing the cis information #Required`
` or `-i
` - id of the RegScale security plan to which to associate the cis/crm information #Required`
` or `-l
` - id of existing leveraged authorization to which to associate the cis/crm information`
` or `-rev
` - the version of the fedramp template: [4 | 5 | rev4 | rev5]
### **Load an MS Excel Formatted POA&M**
Usage: `regscale fedramp import_poam --file_path './path/to/yourPOA&M.xlsx'
A list of all parameters available:
` - path to the file for the POA&M #Required`
` or `-id
` - id of the securityplan to which to import the POA&M information #Required`
` or `-m
` - use "securityplans" #Required`
` or `-pc
` - The header containing the POAM ID, defaults to "POAM ID"
### **Load an MS Excel Formatted Deviation Request Form**
Usage `regscale fedramp import_drf --file_path './path/to/yourDRF.xlsx'
A list of all parameters available:
` - path to the file for the Deviation Request Form file #Required`
` or `-id
` - id of the securityplan to which to import the POA&M information #Required`
` or `-m
` - use "securityplans" #Required
### **Load an MS Excel Formatted Inventory**
Usage: `regscale fedramp import_inventory --file_path './path/to/yourPOA&M.xlxs
A list of all parameters available:
` or `-f
` - path to the file for the Integrated Inventory file #Required`
` or `-s
` - name of the sheet within the excel workbook containing the FedRAMP inventory # Required`
` or `-id
` - id of the securityplan to which to import the POA&M information #Required`
` or `-m
` - use "securityplans" #Required`
` or `-rev
` - the version of the fedramp template: [4 | 5 | rev4 | rev5]
### Example FedRAMP Documents
The FedRAMP Program Management Office (PMO) maintains a github repository with a wealth of OSCAL templates, document templates, and guides:
ο»Ώ[FedRAMP OSCAL Content](πο»Ώ)ο»Ώ
ο»Ώ[FedRAMP Documents and Templates](πο»Ώ)ο»Ώ